My First Paranormal Investigation

Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy
Published in
6 min readNov 10, 2016

Well folks, I finally did it, I attended my first paranormal investigation a few weekends ago with my good friend Janie Daum! Woohoo! We didn’t set up cameras or antagonize spirits like you see on some of the TV shows (thank goodness) but it was a great time.

There were three of us, Janie, Robyn, and myself. Janie is an expert with EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon), carrying or placing her small voice recorders around the home asking questions and listening for answers. As mediums, Robyn and I were there to energetically tune into the spirit world to see what we could pick up. I had my trusty small spiral notebook and pen ready to jot down everything I heard, saw, and felt.

The evening began with the three of us carpooling over to the client’s house. Since this was our first investigation, Robyn and I were a little nervous.

We got to the home a few hours before sunset. It was situated on forty-nine acres of beautiful land, complete with a small forest and a well. No, I didn’t go out to the well. Yes, I was a giant chicken.

We were greeted by the client and her good friend who were relaxing on the front porch while waiting for us arrive. They welcomed us as we were guided through the front door into the living room where the client’s husband was waiting.

As we all sat down, the client proceeded to tell us about the events that led to her to contacting Janie. Since I didn’t want to know anything prior to the investigation, I excused myself and waited out by the car while they spoke. When they were done, the client’s friend came out to get me. However, while I was outside, I picked up on some interesting sights and sounds.

I could feel movement in the area. I could hear men and women talking/yelling, horses, cattle, and “settlement” all around me. It felt like groups of people coming in, settling, and then “moving on.” I also heard women screaming and calling for help from other women for things happening against their will.

This was very strong, as I looked out over the land in front of the house, I felt like I watching/listening to a movie. It was really loud.

When I came back inside and spent a few minutes with the client I began to pick up the energy around her. When we went into her bedroom, the messages were clear.

I felt “magic” all around the client. I also felt/heard, “If she calls them, they will come.” It was very clear that she was “calling out” to spirits and they were responding to her. If she continues to do this, I’m concerned that there will be more and more issues in the future. This is when I heard the little girls say, “She is kind, she listens to us when we talk to her.” One of them was the same one I had seen before we arrived.

Prior to our arrival, when Janie had first invited me to go with her, I saw one of the little girls sitting in the attic petting what appeared to be a while cat or rabbit, I couldn’t tell. She was the same one I heard speak.

I felt a grandmother presence around the client. This spirit was one of the ones I felt in her bedroom. She said she was, “Just checking in,” and visited often. There was something that could be worn in her bedroom (maybe jewelry) that her grandmother was attracted to as well. I also felt like her visits were related to health issues surrounding the client.

The energy (in the room) felt like it needed to be “moved around.” It was incredibly still when we were in the room — like whoever it was, was “holding their breath” while we were in there.

As we moved into the attic, things changed.

Lots of mixed energy in the house. In the attic it felt like a mixed bag of it. Not bad, just a mix of it.

Felt like at night the “little ones” come in to play with all the new things in the home. New as in “new to them.”

Saw an angry male, over 6 feet tall, heavy but not overweight. He was mad, and was showing me that he was biting me on the neck/shoulder from behind, and then he stretched out my right arm and bit it. He was wearing a men’s tank undershirt (wife beater), with dark grey or blank dress pants (zipper, with front pockets no pleats) and a black belt.

Next, we moved into the living room/basement (third level). It was a beautiful room with great views out front.

Immediately upon entering the room I saw an older man, maybe 5’11”, very thin, white hair and beard, looked disheveled say, “It’s all about the land. Land, land, land, land, land. It was always about the land. Who owned it, who it was going to. All the fights were always about the land.” He was very “tired,” both physically and of dealing with everything.

I saw the angry male again from the attic, he said, “I don’t like being ignored.” And he meant it.

In response to Janie explaining to the spirits that we were not there to ask them to leave, but to ask them to leave the home owners alone, I heard one of the little girls say, “We just want to be left alone, we aren’t hurting anything.”

After our investigation, the client wanted to use the spirit boxes. This is also one of Janie’s specialties. We sat in the living room while Janie and the client asked questions, receiving some responses from spirit. As I’ve mentioned in prior posts, these are not toys. Spirit boxes should be taken very seriously because you don’t know who/what you are attracting and who/what is actually speaking to you. If you are an avid fan of all the paranormal investigation shows like me, you know that it can be really creepy (and a little scary) hearing your name called out on one.

When the session was finished, it was time for information share. This is when we as mediums share what we experienced throughout the investigation.

After I shared my experiences with the client, I wasn’t surprised to hear that she herself was a student of the Intuitive Arts, who to some degree enjoys talking to the spirits in her home. This validated the initial information I received about her. She also explained that back in the day, the land was used by the military. There were settlements across the land, which explains what I heard and saw. She also talked about other occurrences on the land that explained the women’s voices I heard calling out for help. They were hard times. It gave me chills.

The client was also aware of the little girls, and was happy that I was able to validate that information for her. She has heard them running around upstairs, and confirmed that they do play with and move things around in the house. The angry man is someone she is very familiar with as well. Apparently there has been more than one incident where he directly interacted with her when he wasn’t getting his way. He does not like to be ignored.

She also confirmed the information about the land. Historically speaking there have been many disputes regarding the land and who owned it. She was not surprised that we heard from one of the previous tenants regarding that fact. As the most recent owner, she herself went through a crazy amount of twists and turns to finally purchase it.

All in all, it was a great experience. A little creepy sometimes, but good. Paranormal investigations are serious business. I have so much respect for those that are willing to place themselves into these situations with the dead to assist the living. They are brave indeed.

Would I do this again? I’m not sure. The truth is I loved it. But the reality is, I’m still a bit scared, which is not a good emotion to have going into an investigation. I do believe for some, this is their path. For me, I’m still trying to figure out what mine is. But I am so glad that I had the opportunity to add this experience to my ever growing list. Maybe by this time next year, I will figure out where I fit in. Until then, I will continue my year of saying “yes” with high hopes and dreams.

Huge Hugs!!




Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy

Author of two books, lover of everything metaphysical, and a representative for the spirit world.