Our Life Purpose

Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy
Published in
4 min readDec 23, 2016

Over the last twelve years, I’ve spent much of my time trying to figure out what my life purpose is. This seems to come as an after effect of opening the metaphysical Pandora’s Box. Once we see “the big picture” we can’t help but wonder how we fit into it. The more we learn, the more questions we have, it’s a never ending cycle. And although we still go through our daily routines, there is always this looming question hanging out in the back of our mind. So how do we move past it?

When talking to other people on this path over the years, I have found that we fall into a few different categories while trying to understand our life purpose:

  1. We use our knowledge as a path to enlightenment and find creative ways to incorporate it into our current routine. Maybe we are a doctor, so we use the knowledge we gain through our metaphysical studies to help us understand the energetic body as well as we know the physical one. This may help us evaluate our patients or at least better understand the overall issues at hand. Or maybe we are a stay at home mom who uses our knowledge to create balance and harmony in our home by incorporating meditation, automatic writing/journaling, affirmations, power of positive thinking, and healthy eating habits. Or maybe we work in an office where we bring in a few crystals and plants to clear the energy, use daily affirmations, and take a few moments for mediation each day.
  2. We use our knowledge to serve others. Many students of the Intuitive Arts go on to use what they have learned as their profession. Some are Psychics, Mediums, Healers, Shaman, Past-life Regressionist, etc. Once they identified their talents and abilities, they were able to use them on a daily basis to provide healing for others.
  3. We share our knowledge with others. Many students of the Intuitive Arts use what they learn to teach others. By doing this, they continue to inspire and “turn on the light” within those around them. They are the beacons for those that are searching for answers — magnetically drawn to one another. Although most of our answers come from within, a good mentor can help us understand where to get started.
  4. We use our knowledge as the means to the next question of scientific study. We may not necessarily believe what we have seen or heard, but want to “try and figure it out.” For many, it is pure curiosity that first pulls them in. They are drawn to what they don’t understand, and enjoy the adventure of trying to find scientific answers to those life-long questions like, “Who are we?” and “Where do we come from?” and “Is there life after death?”

I’m not sure how life would be if I didn’t go down this path. Maybe I would still be asking the same question, but it would have fallen into the category of a “Mid-life crisis.” I remember hearing about those things when I was little — older men buying corvettes and divorcing their wives to date younger women. Or a mom of three, up and leaving for a life traveling around the world. I guess it happens when we feel like we missed out on something or when we don’t understand why we are here. Certainly it isn’t just to cook, clean, help with homework, or sit in a cubicle all day. But what if it is?

What if this journey really is about our day to day activities? What if our life’s purpose is just to experience life? And whether we do it as a spectator or contributor makes no never mind. Maybe it really is about living each day and learning from every little and big thing we do — so washing the dishes is just as important as hiking a mountain in Peru.

Maybe your life purpose is just to be YOU, and for me just to be ME, and for them, just to be THEM. Maybe it isn’t about fulfilling some big life’s destiny, but creating one as we go along and learning from each experience. By doing this, we get to know what truly brings joy to our hearts and souls and what doesn’t. And by knowing that, we can bring more joy into our life and release the rest. Maybe this is really our life purpose — to experience love and joy in all things.

As this year comes to a close, I wish you all love, joy, and overall health and well-being. Please don’t forget to turn to the person next to you and share a little. We find love and joy, and then spread love and joy. The next thing we know we have peace on earth!

Happy Holidays!!

Huge Hugs!



Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy

Author of two books, lover of everything metaphysical, and a representative for the spirit world.