Time for a Little Candle Magic

Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2016

Two days ago, I was looking for a bookmark in my end table for my husband. When I didn’t find one in the first drawer, I moved on to the second. That is when I found some buried treasures: candles, candle holders, and a small censer (incense burner). They were put there several years ago along with many other things that were stuffed away during one of our moves and totally forgotten. They were sunshine to my eyes, music to my ears, and some loving heart energy to my soul.

I purchased my goodies years ago from a small metaphysical bookstore in Costa Mesa, CA called Crystal Cave. I went there often to wander around until my soul found what it was looking for. At that time I was studying magic and needed the candles, candle holders, and burner for some spells and rituals. Unfortunately, I never got around to using them and put them away for another day. Yes, this happens often.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with candle magic or spells, they can be a lot of fun. The problem I run into the most is not having all of the “ingredients” handy when the mood strikes and I decide to do something. So how does it work? Let’s start with the colors of the candles and which Chakra they represent:

  • Red — Love, Passion, Courage (1st Chakra)
  • Orange — Strength, Success, Joy (2nd Chakra)
  • Yellow — Clairvoyance, Communication (3rd Chakra)
  • Green — Healing, Prosperity (4th Chakra)
  • Blue — Meditation, Tranquility, Health, Moon (5th Chakra)
  • Purple — Spirituality, Intuition (6th Chakra)
  • White — Purity, Protection (7th Chakra)
  • Black — Absorb Negative Energy (1st Chakra)
  • Pink — Emotional Love, Harmony (4th Chakra)
  • Gold — Represents The God energy
  • Silver — Represents The Goddess energy

For the most basic form of candle magic, the two main ingredients are the candles and our intentions. This is simple but effective magic we can use to communicate with the universe. Let’s focus on a spell for healing ourselves or others.

Healing Spell by Chleo

You will need: 3 blue (health) candles and a utensil to inscribe the candles.

  1. Form a triangle with the three candles — keep them apart from one another.
  2. Inscribe the name of the person you plan to heal on the candles.
  3. Light the candles and concentrate on peace, health, and positive energy.
  4. Recite the following incantation while looking at the candle flame:

Healing light, shining bright,
Let this sickness flee in fright!
With harm to none including me,
I cast this spell, so mote it be.

  1. Repeat the incantation three times. Once you have finished, let the candles burn out while you meditate. Visualize seeing the person as healthy, happy, and whole.

Another healing spell that I use calls for one green (healing) candle and a picture of the person you want to heal.

  1. Set the candle and the picture down next to each other. Keep them far enough away that the picture does not catch on fire.
  2. Light the candle holding your intention for overall health and wellbeing for the person in the picture.
  3. Say a prayer towards the healing of the person in the picture. It could be simple such as, “Lord God, Archangel Raphael, and Jesus, please wrap (person’s name here) in your beautiful white light and green healing energy. Let them bask in your light as their physical and energetic body heals from any hurt or harm. Please bless them with overall health and wellbeing. In your names, Amen.” Remember, it is the power of your intention that works with the universe to send the healing.
  4. Extinguish the candle, and say, “So mote it be.” Take a moment to thank all the wonderful beings that shared that sacred moment with you.

Remember to use small candles for spells that ask that you let them burn out while you meditate, etc. In other spells, it will call for the candle to be put out using a candle snuffer or to be blown out. Many practitioners use a candle snuffer explaining that, “Blowing out a candle is like blowing away the spell you have just cast.” However, others are just fine doing it that way.

Follow your intuition. In my heart I have to believe that either way is fine. The universe is extremely intelligent, it knows your intentions. So if you have to cut things a little short by putting the candle out before is has burned down on its own, or you blow a candle out because you don’t have a candle snuffer and don’t want to burn your fingers, its ok. I believe the intention will still carry the same weight and the spell will be just as strong. Just remember to NEVER leave a candle burning unattended, spell or otherwise!

All spells are cast in white light and love only. As true practitioners, we go by the oath: Harm none, because if you do, it will come back to you three fold. Below are a few of my favorite books that will help demystify spells and magic for those that are just getting started and may be a little apprehensive.

For me, I love magic and I love spells — especially when they rhyme. I picture myself like Sandra Bullock in the movie Practical Magic. And since this is the year of saying “yes” those little candles can’t be put off being lit any longer. It is time to break out with my beginner candle magic handbook (which I can’t seem to find) and cast a spell in love and light.

Huge Hugs!!

Charm Spells by Lleana Abrev

Pure Magic by Judika Illes

The Everything Spells & Charms Book by Trish MacGregor



Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy

Author of two books, lover of everything metaphysical, and a representative for the spirit world.