What Class Should I Take? Where Do I Go? How Much Should I Pay?

Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2016

Are you overwhelmed by the number of metaphysical classes going on around you? Do you feel confused in trying to figure out which one to take, where to take it, and how much you should be paying for it? You are not alone.

Today I woke up and realized the sheer volume of opportunities there are around me here in Northern Virginia. Like many others, I’m still trying to figure out what I need, where to go, and who to work with.

Sometimes we find the perfect class, but the location doesn’t fit. Sometimes the location is great, but the parking presents a problem. Sometimes the location and parking are perfect, but you don’t feel connected to the instructor. It happens. So what do we do? Keep trying!

This may not be the answer you want to hear, but it is an honest one that comes from years of experience walking the metaphysical path. And believe it or not, even those who have chosen the Intuitive Arts as a full time profession still go looking for a class every now and then. So let’s take a look one step at a time.

What class should I take?

  • Are you a beginner? If so, what subjects do you feel pulled towards or are curious about (see list below). The best way to get started is by doing, so pick a class and get moving. Through each one, you will learn new information that will help guide you to the next.
  • For non-beginners, do you feel pulled towards something new? Or are there gaps in your metaphysical knowledge that you would like to fill? Maybe you know quite a bit about mediumship, but have never taken a class on The Tarot, Runes, energy healing, or remote viewing. Feed that curiosity and expand your knowledge by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something different.

Subjects: Searching for ghosts or proof of life after death (paranormal investigation), talking to spirits (mediumship), working with Tarot or Oracle cards, talking to Angels, working with numbers (Numerology), working with the planets (Astrology), seeing things from a distance (remote viewing), healing others and yourself (energy healing/Reiki), working with the earth, plants, and animals (Shamanism), casting/writing spells, meditation, etc.

Where do I go?

  • Can you travel to attend classes? If so, your options are worldwide. I found many classes through books. I read a book, enjoyed the instructors writing, looked them up on the internet, and if they offered a class, I signed up for one. Yes, that was a long process. In today’s world, you can do all of the research online, including gathering feedback from past students. But if you are still not sure which class to take, try visiting your local bookstore (or Amazon) and review some books on the subject of choice. Once you find a few, check out the author’s websites for information regarding upcoming classes.
  • Do your classes need to be close to home? You can start with your local metaphysical bookstore. If they don’t offer the class you are looking for, they may be able to point you in the right direction. Another alternative that may work is Meetup.com. You place the key words in the search box to see what classes are being offered where you live. This is often used by the wellness centers and individual instructors in my area for various classes. Tele-classes are also a great option because you can take the course from the comfort of your own home. If you are not sure where to start, like I mentioned above, you can visit your local bookstore (or Amazon) and review some books on the subject of choice. Once you find a few, check out the author’s websites for information regarding upcoming classes. Many of them travel to various states, so you may get lucky and find a class nearby.

How much should I pay for a class? — There is no set amount for the cost of any one class.

  • Some wellness centers and individual instructors will offer short courses for a “love donation.” This means whatever you can afford. The proceeds go towards any refreshments, etc. provided.
  • On the lighter side, a two hour seminar may cost $25.00 to $50.00. An eight hour Psychic Development class with handouts could be anywhere from $75.00 to $150.00. It all depends on the location, subject, and experience of the instructor.
  • On the more expensive side, I have paid upwards of $1600.00 for a three day class (weekend) in Psychic Mediumship development that did not include anything but the class itself. But paid $1995.00 for a five day course that included room and board — all three meals were provided along with a host of snacks and beverages. So there really isn’t any rhyme or reason, it comes down to what you want to learn and are willing to pay for it.

The journey never ends, it may alter in form, but it is a lifelong endeavor — a student walking the path towards mastery. So whatever you do, don’t give up. It can get a little frustrating some times, but if you follow your intuition and feed your soul, it can be a lot of fun too!




Rena Huisman
Psychic is Sexy

Author of two books, lover of everything metaphysical, and a representative for the spirit world.