Ram Dass Inadvertently Declares Autism as Natural Enlightenment

Exploring common threads of spiritual experiencing between ASD and psychedelic journeying

Kelsey Jean Marie


The way Ram Dass describes the psychedelic mushroom experience at its finest is how I would describe the autism experience at its finest.

An early page of Be Here Now, originally published in 1971 by Baba Ram Dass, claims in big bold print,

Become as little children
Become that trusting
open surrendered being
It is the same thing

A majority of the scientific information published about autism yet today remains focused on autistic children. It is also commonly acknowledged in much of the existing material on adults with autism that they show significant childlike behaviors of having difficulty expressing themselves, challenges with identifying emotions, and of course, common meltdowns.

It is of great relief for me, a thirty-something autistic woman, to look at my life from an angle where I am not expected to become un-child-like, but instead am supported to embrace the enlightenment of what is so naturally accessible to me in the ways I am indeed childlike.



Kelsey Jean Marie

existential kink & emotional intelligence ~ electric embodiment ~ radical relationship ; deep communication ~ UN’FOC’D community : hallelujah anyways — - - -