Submission Guidelines for PsychoLogically

Calling for writers and drafts



Welcome to PsychoLogically. This publication has emerged from the need that was felt for a place where one can easily find articles related to psychology. Anything and everything is welcomed as long as it is incorporating some elements from the field of psychology.

What is accepted

As long as your article has elements from psychology, it would find a place in this publication. It could cover topics, such as

  • Mental health and illness
  • Using psychology to improve the quality of life
  • Productivity
  • Analysis of a case using psychology
  • Review of a book-related to psychology
  • Life experience (with elements of psychology)
  • Experience in therapy
  • Creativity
  • Psychology of XYZ

What is not accepted

Anything that talks about any topic without any psychological backing.

How to format the article

To format it properly so that the chances of curation is the maximum, please follow the Medium guidelines. You can always follow…

