How a Dear Friend of Mine Turned His Life and Career Around
Join me for a Saturday morning breakfast with Jack
Jack, not his real name, is a living miracle, just like the millions of other men and women worldwide who fell into a bottle and nearly drowned in a sorrowful sea of alcohol. Jack and I met in 2010 when he first attended 12-step meetings.
We had breakfast on Saturday after attending an 8 a.m. men’s meeting in a small local church. Imagine a group of sober, grown men from all walks of life and varying faiths, including those who wanted to be Gods on their own, sharing stories, cracking jokes, and having more fun than we did when we ran and gunned.
At the end of every meeting, we stand in a big circle, hold hands, and pray the Lord’s Prayer together.
Jack and I decided to have breakfast together instead of going with the others. Jac has struggled with his current job of selling technology solutions to government agencies.
He’s an exceptional salesperson, but much of his work is beyond his control. That’s hard for any of us who are recovering control freaks, perfectionists, and recovering drunks and drug addicts.
For example, he can’t control his territory, the long sales cycle, decisions by committee, and when far from meeting his…