The Great Productivity Lie: From Hustle Culture to Smart Culture

How to shift from mindless busyness to meaningful efficiency

Neela 🌶️
Psychology of Workplaces
7 min readJul 3, 2024


Image of woman wearing a white dress drifting into the unknown. Her arms are outstretched and she is surrounded by purple light.
Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash

It’s 9 PM on a Tuesday, and Tina, a brilliant software engineer at a high-growth tech startup, is still hunched over her keyboard. Her eyes are bloodshot, her third coffee of the evening has gone cold, and she’s struggling to focus on debugging a critical feature.

The Slack notification pings relentlessly, reminding her of missed meetings and unanswered messages. Unfortunately, this scene is all too common in today’s work culture.

But what if I told you that Tina’s late-night coding marathon is actually counterproductive?

Did you know that working more than 50 hours a week can actually decrease productivity? A study by John Pencavel of Stanford University found that output per hour drops significantly beyond this threshold, challenging the belief that more hours equate to more output.

This research contradicts the “work harder, work longer” mentality that has become deeply ingrained in modern work culture.

As a corporate consultant with decades of experience working with companies, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of rethinking our approach to work. My focus on sustainable practices has helped…

