The Ghost on the Machine

The soul of the cyclist

Tom Diethe
Psychology, Philosophy, and Pedal Power
1 min readOct 28, 2013


Who is it that pedals on? Sure my conscious self is in charge of planning … where I’m going, which turns to make, mundane stuff like that. And as my legs move up and down, I certainly have some awareness, to a greater or lesser extent, of each pedal stroke. But who is it that drives on, pushing those burning muscles to the point of no return? What force or spirit is responsible?

So when you talk about great champions, are you talking about their natural (latent) ability, as revealed through years of mindless training? Or are you talking about their soul, who drives them on?



Tom Diethe
Psychology, Philosophy, and Pedal Power

Machine Learning Researcher @ Amazon UK; Father of 3; Triathlete; Views are my own