Exploitation | Scam

Individualism: A Scam of Capitalism

Companies Do Not Want You To Live In Families

Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified
7 min readMay 5, 2024


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There was a time when people used to live in families and money was not a big factor among people. People had fewer desires. There were very less options regarding luxuries. People had money but only luxury was only accessible to wealthy people.

With the rise of technology, capitalism, and industrialization, there came some greedy people who tried to play with human psychology. They tried to feed the thoughts in their mind that was beneficial for their growth.

They indoctrinated the entire society. They came up with the concept of the credit system, EMIs, loans, and credit cards.

In this blog, I will try to explain how the modern world is moving toward solitude and individualism with a strategically planned conspiracy.

People Want To Live Alone Even It S*cks

Humans are social animals and we feel better when we live together with our family members and loved ones. Time spent with our soul mate and life partner always feels great.

But with the rise of the modern world and capitalism, we have started counting our minutes and hours. We have started calculating and measuring everything.

We have started judging things based on our time spent. Capitalism has taught us that our time is a currency before industrialization, people were not aware of such things.

They used to go on long vacations. They used to read books one after another. But in the modern world people even cannot focus for a long time. Because they have to prioritize it. They only spend time on things that can benefit them in their career and or give them psychological satisfaction.

“When we have started becoming busy in making money, we are destined to live alone.”

-Som Dutt

People have become more intolerant these days, they cannot tolerate negative words from anyone. Even if it comes with constructive feedback. People do not want to listen to that.

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That is why they start living alone because the world has become too much sensitive and judgment. If you give your list of preferences to someone they will immediately judge you and calculate the amount of attention and time, they can afford to give you.

That is why the modern world is moving toward loneliness but most people have named it solitude. They think living alone is an act of freedom and represent strength.

But sometimes cowardly and weak people also live in solitude.

If you live alone you have to spend more

In earlier days, people used to live in families or join families. They used to buy fewer home appliances and most of them used to share each other’s appliances.

“Sharing is caring.”

People used to share their cars, houses, lands, money, and even food.

Nowadays, people have started living alone. Wives have started filing for divorces. As a result. Each person has to buy their own house, car, home appliances, AC, refrigerator and other things.

This has become a big problem. Things that can be easily shared, but people do not want to share.

With sharing and care, we can minimize lots of problems in the life of others. But nobody wants to share anything.

People love to donate their money to poor people instead of helping their loved ones when they need it the most.

That is why our suffering and mental problems like stress, depression, and anxiety are increasing every year.

People have stopped trusting each other. I still remember that, when I was a kid, there were 9 members who used to live in our rented house. They were all struggling in the city.

My mom used to cook for all 9 members. My father used to share rent with them, they had a single kitchen, single refrigerator, single tv, etc.

But after around 20 years from now, each of them has their own kitchen, refrigerator TV, etc.

They have struggled a lot to buy these things. These things can still be shared in the modern day but our mindset has been changed.

For example, in every home, there is a TV, that remains unused for many hours and days. There are many people who have lots of cars or more than 1 car that they do not use too often. But still, nobody wants to share it with their family members, that is why everybody purchases it.


Our mindset has changed a lot in terms of shopping. In earlier times man used to have only 2 or 3 pairs of shoes. 1 shoe is for daily work, 1 is for emergency and 1 is for the party.

Their jeans and pants quantity was also limited. But nowadays, people have lots of clothes. They have clothes that even they have not worn more than 10 times a year.

Still, everybody needs more clothes every year. Our habits have been changed due to aggressive advertising strategies.

I can give you huge lists of where capitalism has affected us and promoted individualism.

Yes, I support individualism, but it is only for rare people. I love it but we all have a huge desire to get social. But nowadays we are conditioned to live alone.

Solitude is like an addiction. When we used to live with families. Our family members used to tell us when we were making any mistakes in our life.

Their suggestions were like a feedback loop for us. But now we need privacy and think that freedom is a luxury. But people do not know that freedom can be easily turned into a disastrous way of living.

Nowadays, there is no one to tell us our mistakes, because we do not like to be told. Sometimes, our family members want to give us constructive feedback but we do not even want to listen to them.

As a result, there is no one to stop us from scrolling Instagram reels nonstop. Nobody is there to remind us that we have to take our medications and supplements on time. Nobody is there to cook for us. Nobody is there to stop our binge-watching and emotional eating.

There is no one, who can help us when we get sick, there is no one who can take us to the hospital. There is no one to stop us from smoking and drinking alcohol. No one to stop our masturbation and watching porn addiction. There is no one to stop us from spending time online in watching YouTube videos, and using social media. There is no one to stop us from excessive shopping.

I love freedom and I always support it. But with freedom, responsibility comes. We perform better when there is someone to keep reminding us of our failures and mistakes. This is how children learn because their teachers and parents are there to give them constructive feedback. But when we become adults and older than that.

We think that nobody has the right to tell us what to do. I think there are many people who still need guidance irrespective of their age. But they do not want it because of their ego and mindset.

Everybody thinks that they are perfect and that is our biggest problem. This is our weakness. And the big companies are taking advantage of this.

Have you ever noticed, that if you go shopping with 3–4 friends you will always buy something good because here, 4 people’s minds is working together.

For example, they can tell you which shirt, pants, and clothes combination is looking good at you. But when you are shopping alone. You do not know. And you buy things and then you show up at the party and your same 3–4 friends tell you that clothes are not suiting for you.

Then you never dress up in those clothes again. In this process, the companies were in profit and you were in loss because you have spent money on something that you never dress up again.

The no. 1 sign of a scam is when the scammer manipulates you to not discuss it with anyone. When he promotes you to not discuss this thing with anyone else. So that he can easily fool you when you are alone because you have no one to take advice from.

Scammers are looking for people who live alone and are gullible by nature. This is how they can easily manipulate your mind.

With the rise of capitalism, we are force to buy unnecessary things that can be easily shared. Every year, the world is producing more and more single men and women.

The room can be easily shared by couples and nowadays only 1 person lives in it. Everybody needs their kitchen and other things too. So everybody is forced to buy every single kitchen appliance.

Children do not want to live with their parents. Parents do not want to live with children. In a family of 5 people everybody needs their own things including cars, a house, and a kitchen.

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Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified

Top writer in Philosophy & Psychology Since 2021. I make people Think, Relate, Feel & Move. For My Detailed Long Essays visit — https://embraceinnerchaos.com