Selflessness | Humanity

My Dream to Improve Humanity

My Most Dangerous Desire Of Self Destruction

Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified
6 min readMay 6, 2024


My Dream to Improve Humanity- “Som Dutt” on Medium
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Today, I have asked the question from myself. Who the h*ll I am, who has taken this responsibility of raising humanity? What made me qualified for this task?

I am no one, but a human being. Humans do have the responsibility to save their race and nature. We do have the responsibility to save someone who has created us. Humans do have a responsibility to save humanity.

There is a huge decline in the value system everywhere. People have no values at all. They say something and they do something else. They have lost their principles. There was a time when kings were famous for their words. If they have told that they will win someone’s else kingdom, they give their best in doing that.

But nowadays people are even struggling to get a bath. People have no willpower left in them. It looks like they have no motivation to do anything.

It’s like we owe too much to humanity and nature. And all human wisdom belongs to humanity. Therefore, I have also decided to contribute to humanity as much for a higher cause.

I know that people do not want to listen to the truth and people get irritated when someone tries to give them feedback. No matter even if it’s not my job, I just want to inspire humanity. I do not want to force my values on the people but I want to help people to create their own values.

Why I Want To Raise The Humanity?

I can a hope in every sinner. I see hope in every individual. There are many people who abuse their bodies every day. Many people are lost in their truths. Many people do not want to listen to anybody.

Many people are wasting their human potential. People are suffering from delusions, depression, stress, and mental illness. Humanity has solved the problem of hunger because we have plenty of food. But now we are facing psychological problems.

The challenge is not in the real world. The challenge lies in our deep psyche. I want to address those issues that are deeply buried in us. I want to make humans love humanity again.

I want children to go back into the parks and play real sports and games instead of scrolling Instagram reels.

I want people to go for at least 15-minute walks daily. I want people should look in their mirror and start working on their bodies.

I Want People To Live In Reality, Reality Is Here And Now

There are many people who are lost in their past. People who want to learn everything from old books, some famous wisdom from ancient books. People want to learn from Albert Einstein, Kant, Plato Socrates, etc.

They do not know that history is a lie. Most of them think that history is correct. They do not know, for writing about one great man there were many writers and each writer has his own perspective. For example, there are so many books on Jesus.

We cannot trust 1 book and leave others. Therefore we cannot be sure who is telling the truth and who is lying to us.

All leads to a bad way of living. Therefore, the best way for us to live is by being guided by our living experiences. Try to understand our own intuitions.

We should not follow others’ path. But we do not know that most of the time, our own path is decided by others’ paths. Therefore, we have to let go of our idols.

I see a Hope in Humanity

The reason I love human beings so much is because I know deep down in their psyche, there is a soul, who is very intelligent, creative, and who wants to learn and do great things.

But with time, we try to ignore that soul. We try to restrict ourselves from following our passions. We cut down every interaction with other people who really want to help and improve us.

There are many ways to improve our existence and live a joyful life. In your case, you have to start understanding yourself and find out which way is best for you.

Learn slowly but give it your all.

What Qualify Me To Save Humanity?

If there is an attack on 1 man in the jungle by some dangerous animal I suddenly go there. I will help him even if he does not ask for help from me. I will put my life in danger, even if he thinks that I am a fool.

I do think as a human being, it is my responsibility to save another human being. If someone does not want to be saved, still I will give it a try.

With the same logic, I will try to promote my writings and if no one wants to read, I will say that try to read it at once.

Because I think human values are declining every year and we need to save humanity from their psychological chaos.

What is my target Audience?

My writing belongs to the rarest of individuals who are looking for meaning in life. Who wants to create a meaning that is based on the values of the earth?

Who gives importance to the real people. Who has a breakup with the dead people who are continuously chattering in their brains? Who follow joyful people who said, “Yes” to life. Who is against suicide. Who only listen to joyful music.

I want people to start living with their families and enjoy the happiness of belonging. I want people to start caring for each other and support them when they needed the most.

I want to let them kill their selfish instincts. I want to bring kindness into the world. I want people to live truthfully too. I want people should not cheat anyone.

I want people should follow the path of honesty and responsibility. I do not want anybody to say something or do something. People should have values in their own words. Their existence should be justified by their lifestyle.

Many people say “I love you” but they do not mean that. They just want to take the advantage of being loved. But when it comes to returning the love they give up.

There should be a justice system for psychological abuse and manipulation too. Nowadays people are manipulating others for their gain.

Therefore, if there is a punishment for physical harm, there should be a punishment for psychological harm too. People cannot just play with your emotions and feelings and say you “Good Bye”.

Let all leave on Karma. But my point is there is hope for everyone. People can improve if they want.

We are all human beings and we do show our happiness, we cry, we laugh and we make mistakes. But some people are known to make mistakes knowingly. People who want who are not truthful to themselves. People who do emotional harm to others are real sinners.

People who are just hurting others for fun. This needs to be stopped. Yes, I love humanity. I will keep fighting against injustice. I want to improve humanity in the best way possible. Until then I cannot rest.

I want nobody should hater others because they are poor. I do not want anybody to play with anybody’s feelings just because they are loyal and innocent and have given their best in the relationship.

There should be equality in the world. Rich people should not exploit poor people. Rich people should not misuse their power and freedom on poor people. Rich people should respect poor people as human beings too.

People are becoming more and more selfish everywhere. It needs to be stopped. Otherwise, there will be war in the world. There will be no peace on earth.

If everybody becomes selfish then who will take care of climate change? How can our children breathe in pure air? What about our grandchildren? Does anybody care?

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Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified

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