Romantic Online Scams | Humanity

When She Transformed From Miss Right To Miss Hide

Do Not Fall Prey Behind Love Bombings Of Selfish People

Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified
6 min readMay 6, 2024


She Transformed From Miss Right To Miss Hide- “Som Dutt” on Medium
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Online Romantic scams are when someone contacts you online and starts texting you nonstop. Let you fall in love with them. When you become serious about them. When you start showing your emotions.

When you make your full plan to marry someone. When the scammer gets trapped because now she has to fulfill real promises that she has made in the beginning.

But she cannot fulfill them because all she doing is just lying. She has reached a point where she cannot lie anymore. Then she will stop talking to you. And this is how it ends.

There are many types of scams present but the most interesting scam is online romantic scam.

There are some people who are habitual of cheating. They love to cheat with lots of people. They get older and older. They have become famous among their friends and family circle for their cheating behavior.

Therefore, they have found that now, they cannot trap anyone online. Then they start hunting their prey online.

In my experience, Narcissist people love to hunt online. Because a narcissist is always looking for her narcissistic supply. She needs someone so that she can lie to him. So that she can play with his feelings. She can manipulate him.

Narcissist does this just for fun because is bored in her life. These are the people who have lots of time in their life and get bored with life.

They have a sufficient amount of money coming into their life so that they can pay their bills and now they want to satisfy their horniness and narcissistic supply online.

How Does Online Romance Scam Happen

There are some old rich people online who are habitual of talking with young men or beautiful girls. They will start creating their fake accounts online on all social media.

But they will never add their children and family members on those accounts because otherwise, their children will catch them what they are doing.

Then they will start following lots of people online. These romantic scammers will always have lots of following on each social media means if they have 300 followers then they will be following 1500–2000 people.

Then they start liking their prey’s pictures, and content and start sending compliments to them. Then they contact them personally and start love-bombing them. Suppose someone has texted 20 people a day then 1 or 2 people are surely gonna reply.

Romantic scams are done by a narcissistic woman most effectively because if a woman texts a younger guy online, it is most probable that the young guy is about to reply.

These women typically hide their entire identity. They make the young man fall in love with them. They typically target poor young guys so that if the young guy stops replying to them.

They can send them $30-$100 money and show and tell how she wants to support his work and his family. And how much she loves him.

So, it all starts with love bombing. She will do lots of benefits to you until you completely fall into their scam. The moment you start investing in her. The moment she understands that you become serious about her.

She will stop texting you back. She will stop replying to you. She will tell you “I love you” and she get committed to you. But at the same time, she will be keep texting other guys too.

Because you cannot text and talk with her all the time. But the narcissist needs her supply all the time. She cannot live without talking to another man.

Sometimes she will do video sex with you. Because young guys are horny. So she can easily exploit your horniness to minimize her boredom and fulfill her narcissistic supply.

How Romantic Online Scams End?

After you become completely interested in her. You will start giving her more respect, love, care, and attention as she was expecting. For example, she only needs you for 30 minutes but you want to talk to her for 1 hour.

These activities will piss her off. Because she has to talk to other guys too. And now you have started irritating her. But you cannot help it because you really fall in love with her but she does not love you back.

Throughout the relationship, she will be saying I want to marry you over and over again. But when you commit to her about marrying her. She will get the first red flag. Because she never wanted to marry you. She just needed your attention and for getting that attention she has to promise you lots of things.

Now, what is her solution? She will start inventing some reasons to break up with you. The reason can be anything. But the conclusion is now, she get bored with you and she has already found another young man.

You will feel like someone has used you and thrown you out of her life. If you try to stop her talking with another guy she will get mad at you but she will never stop talking to other guys, even if she has to leave you.

If you try to push her a little hard and ask her why she is not talking with the same energy she can give you silly excuses. But her real reason is she has found another narcissistic supply.

Now, after spending a few days and months with you. She will scam another guy and then another guy and then another. This is how she will play the feelings of young lonely poor guys.

She is old, experienced, and knows how to play the game. How to make someone fall in love with her without being attached to me? She will go from Miss Right to Miss Hide.

She will hide from you. She will start ghosting you. She will start giving you silent treatment.

She will leave you confused and emotionally drained.

How to detect Online Romantic Scams?

They will never contact you from their real id. They will try to hide their face. They will never do video calling. They will always have very less followers on their social media accounts.

They will never have their family members and children on their social media. They will have more than 1 ID for 1 social media account.

For example, they will have 2–4 Instagram accounts. 2–3 WhatsApp and Mobile numbers. They will never say through to you what they do when you are not with them. They will start with love bombing until you fall in love with them.

They will lie about that they love your content, they love your work. They will praise you for your brilliance etc. But they did not really mean with their words.

They are only with you until they find another person.

How Do These People Scam You Online?

These scammers are looking for gullible people who are innocent. Who does not have much experience in dating and love? Who are incapable of differentiating between real and fake love.

Basically, vulnerable people are their target. When they come into your life they will figure out your weakness. For some people they are lonely so they want to talk with someone else.

Some people want to talk with females. Some people are looking for real love and they think that she is the one.

These scammers feed on your weakness. Never reveal your weakness to online people. They can also talk with your family and make them believe that they are real.

But they will never let you meet any of their friends and family members and will keep giving you excuses.

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Som Dutt ☯
Psychology Simplified

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