Medicated Existence

Substances and Opening the Mind for Exploration

Psychonautic Exploration


Molded Perception

Each person is a product of careful cultivation of a number of influences; parenting, community, friends, school, work, etc. Our daily interactions with people and the world generate byte after byte of information that we accumulate and process to make up the things that we see, feel, taste, hear….all experience. We’re shaped and worked in different ways from the moment we enter existence, but schooling allows us to all meet at some kind of common base for moving forward. This is the perfect way to make sure that the masses of people being produced daily are trained to perceive the world only to a certain potential.

Dragons don’t exist, neither do unicorns. The sky is blue, not orange. Ghosts? Aliens? Monsters and fairies? Forget about all of those. How do people even come to exist in a world full of odd and strange creatures? How do we know that those other things don’t exist? These examples may be extreme to some, but where do the ideas of these things even come from? I find it hard to believe that storytellers from ages and ages ago were just that good and imaginative. Though I’m sure they had their moments, one has to at least acknowledge the idea of maybe.

Information has been fed to us on how the world is supposed to look and feel, and all of those years of compounded ideas and influences shape the world that each individual perceives. People possess various levels of mental and physical potential which contribute to how things are seen in different ways. In some instances we may believe that our respective governments, religious affiliations or communities purposefully try to make us into who they want us to be, but in reality that’s only a small portion of what we receive through life. (Even though they are)

Every person experiences and sees his own version of the universe.

Societal Influence

No one is surprised to hear that society plays a huge role in shaping what we perceive. We have to follow rules, learn what is right and wrong, and adhere to the surfaces of the cultures we choose to immerse ourselves in. But what about when you don’t want to just follow rules and adhere?

Criminals break the rules.

Innovators and explorers do too.

Short of harming others, one should be able to live his life the way that he wants but there is a lot in place that hinders from thinking and acting how we may want to deep inside. Following the rules does keep things in order but thankfully for the advancement of society there are people that choose their own path and follow their own ideas.

But, that isn't reserved for the chosen few that are born with special genes and abilities. Unlocking the mind and altering the molded perception of the world can assist in accessing mounds of potential, and there are various ways to do so.

Substance use falls right in line, where some exist naturally and some are manufactured but use of all and onus of harm and consequence of use falls on just that…..the user. If one chooses to use a substance to explore his world and brings things to existence, there is a chance of harm depending on the chosen substance. Some can introduce the user to levels of increased awareness and enhanced perception that expand and lift the notions of existence from a lifetime of influences.

Can and can’t. You do this, I do that, we exist. Easy-to-follow instructions. Ideas and dreams are out there for the catching. But then again, have to step out of the box and try for yourself first…

Taking off the Cap

Marijuana/Weed. Smoke it and goofiness, munchies, uncontrollable laughter and laziness ensue.

Mushrooms. Eat a few and you’ll be seeing shit you've never seen man!

LSD/acid. Melt your brain, listen to hippie rock, roll around in the grass.

Yes, all of these things can happen and to varying extent depending on who uses what and their experience in using each substance. In my exploration I've only used the ones listed above.

Using drugs to achieve different levels of perception and interaction with the universe, there’s an element of relief that occurs at the moment of use as you are so immersed in the experience that you don’t care about what society and your influences have told you about existing and the world around you. Weed, ‘shrooms, and acid have all assisted me in exploration and taking away inhibition about what I’m thinking or seeing, feeling or experiencing, and the presence of certain things that may not be in someone else’s universe. Exploration to the fullest potential.



Psychonautic Exploration

Psychonaut engaging in mind-altered exploration of mental landscapes.