One Quality of Successful People No One Talks About
Stop being a side character and take control of the narrative
I was browsing Instagram recently, as one does, and saw an ad for manifesting success.
The idea surrounding the practice of manifestation is as old as time and while I may not believe in the power of manifestation as the ONLY source of riches, I know that hope combined with hard work is a powerful combo.
What Makes a Person Successful?
Who are the people who end up being successful in life?
Are they confident?
Are they resilient?
Do they possess some innate talent other people don’t have?
The answer? Yes, perhaps they are more confident, resilient, and talented than the rest, but they also have another quality that distinguishes them from others.
They are the hero in the story they are actively writing.
They are not the side character or the best friend. They are not playing a supporting role in someone else’s story.
They are the main author. And they are the ones telling the story.
They control the narrative and with that, they manifest their success.
Now, the big question is, are you the main character in your life story?
Imagine looking back at this time 20 years from now. Think about the character arc you are going to undergo to achieve the successes you desire.
Today is as good a day as any to stop being a side character and take control of the narrative. Remember your goal, and take action towards it one step at a time.
What Narrative Psychology Can Teach You About Success?
Have you read “The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho”?
The alchemist tells the story of the protagonist who embarks on a journey to discover a treasure.
A lot happens during the journey, but in the end, he discovers that the journey he undertook and the lessons learned were the treasures promised.
Narrative psychology is a budding field that focuses on the power of stories and narratives we tell ourselves about where we come from and where we are headed.
Viewing yourself as the main character of your life’s story helps you take charge of your life.
Studies suggest that people who view themselves as the main author of their life stories tend to be more disciplined, determined, and positive.
On the other hand, those who view their life controlled by forces outside of their control tend to have trouble keeping up with the goals they have set for themselves.
Control the Narrative Before it Controls You
What do you think the narrator would have felt when he found that there is no treasure?
Thinking about it, I realized that the story could have gone 2 ways. He could have chosen to see the lack of treasure as a loss, but he didn’t.
The narrative the protagonist told himself made all the difference in the way the reader perceives his story.
In the end, one thing is certain, you have control over the things that happen to what you pay attention to, spend your mental energy on and work towards.
There is a concept that I learned a while ago and it has made a huge impact on how I view the things that are happening in my life.
It’s the concept of locus of control. In positive psychology, a person can either have an internal locus of control or an external one.
Those who have an external locus of control tend to believe that their life is controlled by some outside force like fate, luck, or perhaps other people’s action surrounding them.
Whereas, those who have an internal locus of control understand that they control the narrative of their life.
They understand that they are the ones who control what happens in their story.
They choose to remain mindful of their own narrative and strike a balance so outside forces don’t threaten their personal narrative.
Remember that if you don’t make the choice, someone else will make it for you.
Use the power of narrative psychology to create your own destiny and begin writing a story worth telling down the road.