Last night took an L, but tonight I bounced back?
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017

You know, the crazy thing about humans is that we are super resilient. I think the more that we start to realize this and truly understand it, the sooner we’ll start exploring the extent of our capabilities. A lot of times when people think of resilience, they think of just overcoming a struggle. This is true. But I think it’s SO much more.

I remember taking my first psychology class in high school and learning about fight or flight. When you’re put in a tough situation, your body goes into emergency mode and prepares you to either face it, or run based on chances of survival. It’s a natural phenomenon.

On a regular day, I can barely carry my backpack with my laptop and a textbook in there. But in fight or flight mood, a mother can lift a car to save her child. Crazy, right? Yeah. That’s your body for ya.

See, your resilience is going through a situation like that, and realizing that YOU just went through a situation like THAT. And you’re still here. It’s not just that you overcame a struggle, but that you were physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ready to do so regardless of the magnitude of the obstacle. Even when you think that on a normal day you wouldn’t be.

So the next time you’ve hopped aboard the trials and tribulations train (I’m a frequent passenger) and have no idea when you’re going to get off, remember this. Yes, you’re going through it and yes it seems like it will never end. But somehow, someway the universe has prepared you to handle this moment. So stop for a minute, take a breath, and remember that you were literally born ready.

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This post was submitted by Nkechi Onyewuenyi

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