PsyOptions Weekly Update

Mithraic Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2021

Hey all you cool cats and kittens. The PsyOptions core contributors are here with another weekly update!

The UI

On the product side we made great strides in our UI! The Serum integration is all wired up. Writing and posting a contract to Serum’s order book is as easy as…

Writing a covered call in under 6 seconds!

For context, the video used to make this gif was only 6 seconds long.

Look Mom! I can place a market order too!

Buying a CALL in under 5 seconds!

Now that we have the Serum functionality in a great place, we are adding support for the major wallets. Pretty soon the UI will support Phantom, Sollet, Solong, and Math!

Wen Beta

Despite the UI looking incredible and all of our pre-beta tickets being closed, we are still delayed on opening up a public Devnet beta. :sob: Devnet issues are holding us back from opening our platform to a larger beta group.

The public Devnet RPC node(s) are extremely slow, with many requests taking 10 – 20 seconds. And the servers occasionally respond without proper CORS headers, which can break the UI. To try and mitigate this we are reaching out to anyone in the Solana community who has the hardware to spin up a Devnet RPC node for a month or two (bandwidth costs on cloud providers are cost prohibitive). SOS.

Until we can get a handle on some of this we may have to stay in private alpha a little while longer…Hence the need for some teasers with those gifs above

EDIT: We will try using a reverse proxy to ensure headers are properly set. That will hopefully mitigate the CORS issue.

Help wanted

  • Someone who can get a Devnet RPC node up and running ASAP! Please reach out if you can help, the fate of decentralized options depends on it!
  • The search is still out for content creators and shit posters! Who’s going to take our twitter account from 8K to 100K??

