Picture This Clothing, Wear Your Imagination!

6 Things You CAN’T Do With Fabric Markers

☕️ Coffee With Jaimee
4 min readAug 15, 2017


A question we see a good deal is, “Why would I pay $50 for something I can do with fabric markers and a cheap t-shirt?”

We TOTALLY encourage any and all forms of individual creative expression, and would never criticize another form of creativity. Picture This Clothing is simply a very different experience from drawing on clothing with fabric markers, with a very different end product.
(Our stuff is also printed, hand cut, and sewn in the US by working-age adults, who earn a living wage in a clean, safe work environment. Very different from how cheap t-shirts are made.)

Some of our customers have shared some incredibly creative ways to design and wear their imagination that think outside the realm of markers or crayons, I want to share a few of them with you:


What’s more fun, colorful, and awesome than CANDY? We’ve seen so many imaginative examples, we’ve even seen frosting and sprinkles, and peanut butter and jelly! What kind of candy would you wear?



☕️ Coffee With Jaimee

Writer, Doodler, Professional Experimentalist. Living + Learning Out Loud. Author of 12 Ways to Be Better to Work With. Made: PictureThisClothing.com