PewDiePie and the new era of NFTs

Pteria Team
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2020

Pteria is proud to announce its first NFT on sale on Rarible, which represents the skin of PewDiePie for the Wallem game.

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What is a NFT?

The gaming sector is one of the best use cases for non-fungible tokens (NFT).

A non-fungible token is a cryptographic token based on blockchain that represents a unique and not interchangeable asset. Fungibility means that individual tokens are interchangeable and therefore indistinguishable from each other: fungibility is a desirable property for a coin — regardless of whether fiat or crypto — as it allows free exchange.

Non-fungible tokens, on the other hand, are unique, not interchangeable and this feature gives each of them unique privileges within the gaming industry.

How to use NFTs

The Pteria DAO (following a positive majority vote) issued a limited number of NFTs representing skins that can be used within the Wallem app, a mobile game where users access exclusive augmented reality events using different skins.

As first mint the Pteria DAO issued 6 different NFTs that represent the YouTuber PewDiePie skin in Wallem. Owning these specific NFTs has 2 different sources of revenue:

  • 100% in PTERIA from each sale of the PewDiePie skin in Wallem;
  • 10% of all the crypto that PewDiePie skins collect within the crypto events in Wallem.

The above mentioned privileges are ad infinitum related to PewDiePie’s NFT and pass — without the need to perform any action — from wallet to wallet depending on where the NFT is stored.

The token holders do not have to perform any action in order for the token to start generating gains: the smart contract is automatically activated by sending the profits generated at specific intervals based on minimum amounts of PTE, ETH, BTC or other tokens earned.

The model lends itself easily to generate large and continuous gains towards the wallets that hold the NFT, especially considering that the initial Wallem launch campaign is performed by PewDiePie himself on his YouTube channel.

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