Reasons to Host your PTA’s Fund-Raising Campaign on Digital Platform

A. Shashi Kumar
PTSA Fundraiser
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

We all know one thing that people in this world are getting use to the technology in a tremendous speed. How ever there are plenty of tools and services that develops on the daily basis and this will help fundraiser to reach their audience in more efficient way. When we talk about fundraising events main motto is to raise funds for the people and by the people. Now it's time when NGOs should explore themselves on digital platform to serve this society in a better way.

Following are the reasons why we are positive about the fundraising on digital platform:

  1. Donation On Your Fingertips: Now a days people are exploring themselves digitally a lot. Earlier NGO’s used to follow the traditional approach by print media or else by door to door campaign. But the reach was very restricted. Now they can organise their events on digital platform. Social media platforms, direct mailing are few of the channel through which they can host their events. With the help of this their distribution cost will be less, more targeted audience, one to one communication, effective content etc. These are some of the assistance they will get by using this platform.

2. Place to explore wisdom of humanity: With the help of this digital platform you can engage your audience more effectively and efficiently. By creating a Facebook page and posting blogs, pics of the events time to time which will leverage engagement of your targeted audience. You can also bifurcate your audience according to their usage of digital channel. Like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat etc. These are the platforms through which you can reach to maximum audience and engage them with a less span of time.

3. Innovation Leads to Success: You can be more creative when you are at digital platform. Being more creative you can connect yourself emotionally with your audience. The WWF’s #EndangeredEmoji movement is a great example in which they used digital platform as their channel and raised both money and awareness among their audience. This is one of the best example which tells that how creativity can help NGO’s to reach their target audience without compromising their mission.

4. Instant Payment Access: Once upon a time it was a tedious task when payments were done offline. People use to come and donate cash or cheques. It was difficult at the organisation end to handle cash as well as data related to it. But today if a fundraising is done on digital format we can provide them online payment facility. Card-payment thanks to Stripe who manage things properly and made it in a simple way. Now volunteers as well as organisation who are organising the event can keep their records easily.

Charities always have an opportunity to explore themselves with new tools to connect with their audience. But the positive side of digital fundraising is its cheaper, quicker than physical counterpart.With the help of digital platform even you have small budget you can reach to maximum audience. So why not to opt digital fundraising today?

