Is these Flaws Are There In Your fundraiser….!

A. Shashi Kumar
PTSA Fundraiser
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2018

Fundraising is a tricky art. It disguises itself as a lot of things: marketing, sales, begging, bribery. The list could go on and the list could get worse. But, the truth is, fundraising is a necessity for any non-profit business, organisation, or school that is seeking support for a greater goal.

If you are reading this, we’re going to make you sure that this will help you to avoid flaws from you're fundraising events and make it more success-full. If you have done mistakes in your past then this article is for you, so you can see the mistakes you’ve made and learn how to avoid them when it comes time to fundraise again.

If you are very new to fundraising, keep reading. It’s right time we are revealing with some of the common flaws generally PTA/PTO/PTSA ignore while organising fundraising event.

Expecting the money to come to you

Let’s say you have a great cause. We’re talking cancer research for kids or saving all those puppies roaming the streets in Russia. A cause that everyone, or so we always think, will get behind and support financially. No problem, right? Wrong. There is always a problem and that problem rests in the fact that fundraising requires money and people LOVE their money.

So, don’t expect funds to always come piling in simply because your goal is a great one.

The solution? Seek out support! If you have a great cause then make sure people know about it, including where their money will go, the story behind your organization and why your issue is one that needs to be focused on and financed right now.

A big part of getting great exposure and seeking out support is making sure to research your audience. Find out what interests they have and what issues directly affect them. If you are trying to fund new computers for students, don’t communicate all of the expenses that go into the effort. Rather, make sure your audience knows the importance of understanding technology and how computer literacy directly ties into a student’s future success.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for support (“support” not “money” is a key word here!). We’ll focus more on this one later, but a great tool we offer here at PTSA Fundraiser for seeking out support is our Student Profiles. These work a lot like social media profiles, with a picture of the student, info about the fundraiser, and a direct link for giving.

These are great for a few reasons: 1. They put a face to the cause. 2. They allow parents to reach out to friends and family around the world. 3. They allow donators to be directly involved with the fundraiser by leaving comments and seeing how their donation boosts the level of raised money on the Pledge Meter.

Focusing on the sale

It has long been a staple of fundraising to sell candy, cookies, and coupon books door-to-door in an attempt to appeal to the consumer lifestyle. But, more and more we are seeing that this type of fundraising does not work. Because, when the focus becomes the item you’re selling rather than the cause you’re supporting, you have taken away the number one incentive people have for donating.

A huge part of fundraising is based on relationships: The relationship between your organisation and those you’re supporting, the relationship between donator and receiver (i.e., students, homeless people, etc.) and especially the relationship between your organisation and your donor.

When the focus is on the sale, this necessary relationship is replaced with a simple transaction. Your donor will place an order, give you money and get their goods. End of story. But, if your donor are deeply involved with the mission of your organisation and the progress of your fundraiser, then they are much more likely to give often and give big.

Think about it: There is a big difference between giving and buying. Recall the last time you donate to an organisation, gave out spare change to a homeless person or took a bag of old clothes to the needy people. Now, think of all the things you bought on your last trip to the grocery store. Which had a bigger impact on you? Which would you encourage your friends and family to do with you?

Avoiding The Question

Simply Put: Sometimes the best way to get the support you need is to ask for it.

Important: The key word here is “Support.” When we fundraise, we are asking for so much more than money; we are asking for a commitment to support a great cause and a big goal that requires donations, big as well as small, from people who want to make a difference in the world.

If you have presented your cause in a way that coordinates with the interest of your audience and if you are continuously telling your story through your fundraising efforts, then there should be nothing holding you back from asking for the support to succeed.

We hope highlighting these common fundraising flaws has been helpful to your future fundraising efforts. Keep tabs on our blog and Facebook Page for more tips and discussion about putting on flawless fundraisers.

