Do’s and Don’ts in Social Media Marketing

Anna K
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2018

Today, Social Media Marketing (SMM) is one of the hottest and most powerful promotional tools for businesses. SMM makes it possible not only to build a strong reputation for a company, but also allows you to establish effective communication with customers and users providing them with the latest news of your brand.

With that said, there are a lot of different tactics and methods of increasing engagement.

According to Statista, social networking is so powerful that the number of worldwide active users is expected to reach 2.95 billion by 2020 or around a third of the Earth’s entire population. This sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? That’s why it’s highly recommended businesses of almost all industries pay a great deal of attention to the direction of SMM .

So, before you dive headlong into your work right now, it’s crucial to create a winning SMM strategy. Follow these simple but immensely effective Do’s and Don’ts tips.


1.Be active

You have profiles set up on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks with thousands of enthralled followers. Of course, you pat yourself on your back for building such a strong social network presence. However, do you know for sure exactly who of these subscribers are actual, real people? How often do you interact with them by responding to their tweets or comments? Negative answers to these questions mean that your SMM activity is in reality, poor. Remember, you should be super active in social networks and constantly interact with the audience! This is the key focus of SMM work.

2. Complete your profile

Make sure your profiles are 100% complete. You won’t get ranked highly in social media searches until you do. Fill in all the necessary fields, including address, motto, photo of your profile, and other data. This helps you increase your brand recognition among users, thereby improving SEO KPIs. By the way, use relevant hashtags for your specific niche as this attribute helps other people quickly find your posts related to the topics they’re interested in. The bottom line is: If you want your message to spread through the Internet, your profile should be complete.

3. Be patient

Social media platforms have been around for a while, and people have been using them far longer than you can imagine. It’s obvious you want to taste sweet success all at once, but in fact, this process is quite time-consuming and gradual. Patience and calmness are your the most faithful friends for now. Continue sharing engaging content and don’t torment yourself with self doubts. Remember no great things are done in a short time.

4. Your website is a trust factor

Pull up your socks and build an impressive site. If your website’s appearance isn’t attractive enough, begin working on its improvement including redesign, creation of new pages, rewriting, SEO-optimization, etc. Finally, it should look like a gleaming gemstone. Moreover, make sure your site doesn’t’ provide harmful viruses and spammy links. The main goal of SMM is not only to reach your target audience in the vastness of social networks, but also to send them to your website for buying your products or using your services. Keep in mind a website is a very important destination point in the sales funnel.

5. Know the measures

Your SMM activity should not be excessive, but rare posts also are not good. Create a specific content strategy in PublBox with which you always update your profiles on time and maintaining a certain posts consistency. According to research, there are common frequency rules for every network:

Facebook — One or two posts per day during the week; once per day on weekends

Twitter — From Three to five posts per day

Instagram — Seven posts per week

LinkedIn Business — Daily posts

Pinterest — Three posts per day


1.Spam with a lot of advertising

If you publish a lot of promotional content about your company, it only damages the reputation of your business, and you can land yourself on block lists.

2. Ignorance of current trends/events/news

Staying up to date on trending Twitter or Facebook hashtags is a good idea if you want to tap into new audiences. If you talk about current trends, events or news, it allows your content to reach far more people and your engagement rate can rise significantly. Whether it’s the news about a product launch of a self-driving car or the announcement of a grandiose hedonistic rock festival, get involved with conversations relevant to your business.

3. Show signs of life

There are an abundance of ‘dead’ profiles which provide snoring impressions on users. Freshness and activity are essential aspects of social media; so, if your profile contains stale information, it makes no sense.

Moreover, because of this content stagnation users can stop responding to you. There’s nothing worse than poor communication with customers either on Facebook or on Twitter. As you understand, the reputation of your brand can suffer greatly. Do you really want it? We think not.

All in all, social media is a two-way street. As with any relationship, if you want to forge good connections and get great results, you should give more than you take. Make sure your social media channels are more than just a spot for advertisement and the promotion of your business.

