Social Media Week Kyiv sponsored by PublBox was a gigantic success

Ksenia Khirvonina
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

The festival format of the event inspired all the participants to interact in a lively manner with each other.

On November 15–16, 2018, a two-day SMW Kyiv conference was held in the capital of Ukraine for the very first time. It was organized by Depositphotos for professionals working in social media, communications, classical marketing and marketing strategies, licensed by the international series of conferences Social Media Week, which needs no introduction to the professional community. PublBox was the general partner for the event.

The curators of Social Media Week Kyiv brought together international and Ukrainian experts from businesses, the government and media to discuss the most interesting products and events in social networks in the field of communication and marketing. Two days of the conference were filled with new experiences, knowledge, discussions and fresh connections.

In addition to the active work at the booth, PublBox conducted a series of interviews with key speakers of the conference and asked them about current trends in the world of social media, and what type of content works more efficiently in which network.

The interviews will be published on the PublBox YouTube channel in the section “Expert View.” Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t done it already. The first two: with Olman Quesada from AppSumo and with Carolina Solari from are already on the channel.

Experts noted the resounding success of disappearing content and emphasized that Stories work better for clip thinking. This shows the value of the moment (they disappear in a day), so they are more natural and more humane.

Alexander Marfitsin presented some life hacks on achieving greater success by using Stories:

  1. Do not make unrelated publications, chain them.
  2. Use interactive formats: polls, games, and quests.
  3. Write simple instructions.
  4. Record interviews as short answer videos.
  5. Create a script for your story — first, think about what you want to say, and then figure out how to convey it.

Also, speakers highlighted the increasing popularity of mobile video and the use of influence marketing to promote products and services, which we have repeatedly mentioned in our blog.

