What’s New in the March Update of PublBox?

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

Updates allowed to optimize the service and increase application performance by 64%.

Spring 2019 began with a major update of our service. In the new PublBox-release, our users have access to improved and extended functionality to manage posting on social networks most effectively.

So, what have we done?

Increased application performance by 64%

The implementation of OpCache allowed increasing application performance by more than 1.5x. This was made possible by caching bytecode and increasing the number of requests processed per second.

Added posting to Business Pages on LinkedIn

Now PublBox users can schedule publications both on personal and business pages on LinkedIn. PublBox supports upload of up to 5 images per post. This is especially important for B2B companies, for which LinkedIn has become the number one social network and helps to interact with business audiences. This is proved by the following figures:

Smart Insights together with Clutch conducted a survey among business representatives, in which they asked which social networks are of the greatest value to them. It turned out that among B2C companies, Facebook is considered the most efficient (96% of respondents), while most B2B companies prefer LinkedIn (93%).

Redesigned interface

A redesign of several sections was carried out with the addition of new functionality, which made the creation of posts and the planning of publications even more convenient and intuitive.

New content for the engaging posts’ library

A library of PublBox’s unique ready-made engaging content is available to every registered user and now includes over 4,000 ideas for really cool posts.

Added new registration features

Now you can use an email to sign up for PublBox service and not only Facebook accounts. Please also note that due to the shutdown of Google+ its “Sign Up” button was replaced with Google Sign In.

To be continued. Follow our news!



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