Protect your WordPress site from hackers

Pauline Flavier
Public Ad Agency
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2019

According to a study conducted in Q2 of 2016, 3 out of 4 hacked websites are WordPress sites. The Sucuri-Hacked Website Report studied 21,821 sites and 15,769 of which were compromised WordPress sites.

Your Small Website is a Feasible Target

If you think your small website is an improbable target for hackers, think again. Fact is, there are no small or big sites for hackers. Once you give them entry (which you may not be aware of), your site will likely be feeding them the means to justify their end.

What’s in it for them? Financial information like bank account numbers, credit cards, secret government information, and the list goes on.

Hacker attacks are automated. Hackers use bots to crawl the web and target multiple sites all at once. These bots search for vulnerabilities and once their automated scripts find these “open opportunities”, your site gets hacked.

Going back to WordPress, site owners must pay attention to the following points of entry — hosting platform, themes, plugins, and passwords. Take note that WordPress themes and plugins account for more than 50% of successful hacking attacks.

How You Can Protect Your Site

The word is prevention — safeguard it before hackers hit you. Here are ways to keep your WordPress site secure for you and your visitors:

1. Do your homework in searching for a respectable hosting provider. Choose one that specializes in WordPress sites and places value on its security.

2. Do backups regularly. For added security, set up a backup solution.

3. Create strong passwords and change them often.

4. Maintain WordPress themes and plugins. This means eliminate what’s not needed, update on a regular basis and install from trustworthy sources (free sources may prove to be expensive in the long run).

Get on Board a Website Maintenance Team

All told, any site is every hacker’s opportunity to succeed. An experienced website maintenance team can greatly help in ensuring that your WordPress site won’t run into issues, thus preventing it from being compromised.

