Hear Radiotopia’s New Show: Ear Hustle

Maggie Taylor
PRX Official
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2017

Ear Hustle |ir ˈhəsəl|(v) — being nosy, eavesdropping.

Radiotopia is so proud to launch our newest show today: Ear Hustle. The podcast brings you stories of life inside prison, shared and produced by those living it. It is a partnership between Earlonne Woods and Antwan Williams, currently incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison, and Nigel Poor, a Bay Area artist. The team works in San Quentin’s media lab to produce stories that are sometimes difficult, often funny and always honest, offering a nuanced view of people living within the American prison system.

Ear Hustle has been in the making since March of 2016, when the team submitted their idea to Radiotopia’s Podquest, an open call for new podcast ideas. In November 2016, we declared them the winner after reviewing 1,537 total entries. The trio has been hard at work ever since, conducting interviews, creating scripts, editing audio, and tackling the many hurdles that exist while making a podcast inside a prison. The result is a project we are most proud to support.

“I’ve never seen a team work so hard, surmount so many obstacles and take such pride in their work, in service of a podcast. I’ve also never heard anything quite like Ear Hustle, and the complex stories it will tell throughout Season One. Prepare to be surprised, delighted and challenged by these stories, and to think twice about what you think you know about life in prison, and the people who live there.” — Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia EP

Hear the first of the 10-episode season: Cellies.

At San Quentin Prison, the typical cell measures approximately 4’ x 9’ and contains a bunk bed, toilet, sink, two men and their 6 cubic feet of belongings. In our first episode of Ear Hustle, hear stories of negotiating this space and the relationships that come with living in such close quarters.

Find out more about Ear Hustle, subscribe and even send the team a postcard at www.earhustlesq.com.

