Radiotopia Live: West Coast Tour Recap

Maggie Taylor
PRX Official
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2017

Radiotopia wrapped its first live tour last week, taking on sold-out crowds in Portland, Seattle, SF and LA. We saw amazing performances from 99% Invisible, Criminal, The Allusionist, The Memory Palace, Mortified, and The West Wing Weekly. The love from our fans was immense; we cannot thank you all enough for coming out and supporting us. We had a blast! Read on to get a feel for the show, check our more pictures in our Facebook album, and follow our #RadiotopiaLive hashtag on Twitter and Instagram for behind-the-scenes pics.

Criminal and 99% Invisible


The audience was lucky enough to see two Criminal pieces during the live show. The first was about a man with an odd career, one that’s brought him to over 500 sporting events over the years, though not as a competitor. The second profiled a British police officer who has resorted to unusual techniques for catching criminals.

99% Invisible

99% Invisible teamed up with writer Jon Mooallem and the Brink Players (including several members of The Decemberists) to bring to life the story of a 9.2 earthquake that struck Anchorage, AK in 1964 while Genie Chance reported live on the radio. You can hear the story in this week’s episode.

The Allusonist and The Memory Palace

The Allusionist

Host Helen Zaltzman took the audience through a handwriting lesson, sharing an analysis of her own script by a handwriting expert, and explored the idea that changing your handwriting can help change your mood.

The Memory Palace

Host Nate DiMeo put on a stunning performance of his 2016 fan favorite episode, Local Channels. It tells the story of Florence Chadwick, who went on a world tour, swimming local channels. To quote Nate: right arm breathe, left arm.

The West Wing Weekly and Mortified

The West Wing Weekly

As a special treat for our LA fans, co-hosts Josh Malina and Hrishi Hirway interviewed West Wing composer W.G. Snuffy Walden about his Emmy-winning theme for the popular television show, as well as some of the significant moments in his episodic scores.


Normally, Mortified performances involve audience members reading their awkward teenage writings aloud. During the tour, however, co-creators Dave Nadelberg and Neil Katcher put themselves on full display as they shared their embarrassing, angsty teenage poetry live.

Thanks again to all who came out! And a special thank you to our presenting sponsors, Adobe and Spotify. Check out more photos in our Facebook album.

