The Truth Wins a Sarah Award!

Maggie Taylor
PRX Official
Published in
1 min readMar 7, 2017

We are excited to announce The Truth has been named a winner of the 2017 Sarah Lawrence College International Audio Fiction Awards. The ‘Sarah Award’ judges waded through more than 200 from around the world and chose six finalists. From the Sarahs:

“[The finalists] highlight the variety of radio dramas made this year from psychological thrillers to musicals to pieces that blend fact and fiction.”

The exact award honors will be announced at the 2017 Sarah Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, March 28th.

The TruFth’s winning piece, “The Man in the Barn”, tells the story of a man who wakes up in the barn of an elderly Irish couple with no memory or knowledge of who he is. It was recorded on a farm in Kilfinane, County Limerick, Ireland, was commissioned by RTE Irish Public Radio, and produced in association with the HearSay International Audio Arts Festival.

Read more about The Sarahs here, and subscribe to The Truth in RadioPublic, iTunes, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

