John Barth
PRX Official
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2017

PRX is privileged to distribute many high-quality public radio shows that also have robust podcast audiences. Beginning July 1, To the Best of Our Knowledge, affectionately known as ‘TTBOOK’, joins the club.

For years now, we’ve been listening to To The Best of Our Knowledge. At first glance, or listen, you might wonder how a show of such long pedigree fits in in today’s digital age.

It actually fits perfectly. Every week, we are reminded that public radio listeners are hungry for complex ideas and the insight that comes only through informed discussion. For instance, TTBOOK’s program on apes and religion sparked passionate debate among leading scientists and thinkers. The show’s episode on why the internet is toxic for women was selected by Mozilla as one of its favorite podcasts about technology, along with other heavy hitters like Radiolab, This American Life and 99% Invisible.

TTBOOK’s digital track record is also longer than you might expect: almost 20 years ago, it was a hit download offering as was pioneering mobile listening. Since then, TTBOOK has played to two core strengths that public radio listeners crave: discovery and context. Every week I come away from the listening to the show wondering ‘how did they do that?’

Take a look at this highly creative TTBOOK video essay by writer Ed McPherson, about the divided and cloistered nature of St. Louis:

TTBOOK’s team is a like a small landing party on the shore of new ideas: scrappy, observant and able to get diverse voices and ideas connected in each episode.

I invite you to do two things: listen, of course. But also to be part of an experiment to help TTBOOK grow even more. Let us know: what guests, topics and styles would help make the show even better? On air and as podcasts? TTBOOK frequently uses podcast episodes to explore challenging ideas or to take even deeper dives that don’t always make it on air.

Join us for what comes next. Share your ideas at

