Social Media Usages

Larissa Singh
Public Writing, Private Lives
5 min readJul 1, 2015

The internet changed the way people communicate with each other tremendously and the rise of social media sites has only enhanced that communication. I would consider the introduction of Facebook to the world in 2004, to the beginning of the era of social media. Facebook has been a huge game changer in the world of technology, internet usage and communication, on a global level. Since the world has entered the social media era, we have been introduced to applications such as Instagram, Twitter- just to name a few. One of the most appealing aspects of these apps is that it has allowed users not only access into the lives of their friends but also into the lives of celebrities. Celebrities are now, basically, obliged to use social media applications to keep “in touch” with fans as a way of communication. In many ways this has changed the world of Hollywood and celebrities. In many ways this has helped celebrities, making them more relatable and even created a “common ground.” Furthermore, social media has not allow formed a common ground between celebrities and their fans but also created a communication gateway for friends and families all over the world.

I first started using Facebook the summer before high school; the year 2007. Before using Facebook, I spoke to my friends over AIM (AOL Instant Messenger); although I had a cell phone, texting was not very popular therefore all communications between my friends and I were over AIM. In 2007, Facebook was very different than what it is today; I would write back and forth on friends’ walls as a way to chat with them instead of AIM. After signing up for Facebook I deleted AIM and have not used it since. Facebook was so fascinating because you could comment and like others’ pictures. The interesting aspect to Facebook was the ability to connect with friends and it truly allowed you insight into their lives. At times, this may seem odd, as if we know too much about each other, but in many ways it is nice. It allows people to share major events with each other and momentous occasions, such as birthdays, weddings and graduations through the usage of albums. I also reconnected with friends that moved away after elementary school. For years, people would move and you would say “let’s keep in touch”, you would try but it’s hard as we all lead such busy lives; however with the application of Facebook it is so much easier. We can maintain relationships on our own time and with the usage of albums we can see what our friends that live miles away are up to.

8 years later, I still have Facebook however I use it for different reasons. Watts states that Facebook is now just something that everybody has but does not use in the same as they did when it first came out. In addition, Watts goes on to say that Facebook is primarily used for functioning in large groups. I can relate to this because I am in a sorority at Hofstra University and without the use of Facebook I would not be able to keep up with events such as recruitment and philanthropy. Facebook is largely known for groups that connect incoming freshmen from all over the globe that will be attending the same university. Coincidentally, I met my first college roommate through the Facebook group for our incoming class.

One of the amazing aspects of technology is the constant advancements. Facebook, though is already so efficient is constantly changing. Facebook as a company works, solely, to please its users and facilitate their lives. One of the more recent upgrades is the “trending section.” This section is a great way to keep updated on news. One of my favorite aspects of Facebook is being able to keep abreast with news and other important occurrences in the world. It is commonly found that the news trending on Facebook coincide with the hashtags and topics also trending on Twitter. In many ways, all the major social media are connected through the usage of hashtags (#). To be completely honest, I am not an avid news watcher and in many ways Facebook keeps me updated on the most important news occurring around the world. In addition the usage of sharing links, songs, videos etc. is very useful to keep in touch and share articles. In many ways it has kept people more updated about current events through the articles shared. Personally, I check my Facebook more frequently than I turn on the news channel therefore I am updated through these shared articles about the news of today. Although I do watch the news, it is more accessible to be updated from Facebook because the app is on my phone and my phone is with me 24/7.

Another major social media site is Instagram; I started using Instagram in 2012 and used it to post pictures about my everyday life. I was drawn to this site because it allowed you to post a single picture whereas Facebook was mainly for posting entire albums. In addition, Instagram allows you to link your uploaded photos to other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. My favorite thing about Instagram is using hashtags that connect similar pictures and following accounts about my hobbies such as nail polish. Since nail polish is a big hobby of mine, I follow the hashtags to connect me to other pictures and other accounts. Another good quality of Instagram is that it connects celebrities to their fans. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian use Instagram to post pictures about their everyday lives. This allows fans to connect to the celebrities in a more intimate manner. For example, when celebrities go on lavish vacations they post pictures constantly about their plane ride and what they are doing. This allows followers to get an insight on things they would not be able to experience themselves. Another way Instagram allows for a more intimate relationship between celebrities and followers is when music artists post backstage photos on their tour; once again this allows followers to share an intimate experience with celebrities. Followers feel as if they personally know a celebrity if they follow them on Instagram because they updated about the celebrity’s daily life activities. Watts states that people on Instagram get more likes than they do on Facebook; a main focus of Instagram is how many likes a person can get on a single picture. This brings up the issue of people solely doing things and taking pictures only to post on Instagram; the colloquial saying for this is “Do it for the Gram”.

