Amazon is king. Isn’t it?

Josef Marc
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2017

What chance does a startup like Publica have?

It’s not a competition if you’re not looking in the same places. She’s staring into the sun, fiercely, and she’s got business on her mind. The big dog just wants to be loved by everyone. If you’re an independent author or a creative entrepreneur, you want her by your side. Or better yet, be her. Photo by Ellen Levy Finch, CC BY-SA

The same chance that Amazon had when it started up.

Amazon used the Internet evolution.

Publica uses the blockchain evolution. That’s not the Internet you’re used to.

Evolution happens.

Don’t worry about Publica. We may be small now but we’re pretty fierce in our own way.

96% of the world’s people don’t sign in to Amazon, ever. 85% of the world’s books aren’t listed there. A growing number of ebooks aren’t sold at all — they’re given away for free. Cory Doctorow tells that story very well.

Publica authors get paid directly from their readers’ wallets to theirs, at any price set by the author alone, to and from any nation, in any kind of money, including tokens and cryptocurrencies.

It’s not Amazon’s kingdom, it’s Publica’s. Amazon has no dog in this hunt.

Publica is developing the author’s journey right now. If you’re an author or just want to keep an eye on the latest developments, click here.



Josef Marc

Blockchain evolution fan. Digital media nerd.