How to add liquidity to Uniswap?
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2021

This tutorial explains how to add liquidity to Uniswap trustless decentralized exchange if you’re a PBL tokenholder.

NB! If you are not familiar with Uniswap, make sure to read the Uniswap documentation page first:

In this post you’ll find answers to the following questions:

  • What are PBL tokens?
  • Step-by-step tutorial on adding liquidity to Uniswap’s liquidity pools.
  • What are the benefits for PBL tokenholders?

What are PBL tokens?

PBL tokens or Pebbles are Publica ecosystem’s internal currency used for purchasing items listed on Publica’s marketplace. Buyers need PBL tokens to buy NFTs and content creators (authors) are paid in PBL tokens.

PBL tokenholders can exchange PBLs to other cryptocurrencies on centralized exchanges like Bilaxy or decentralized services like Uniswap

How to add liquidity to Uniswap?

This tutorial explains the process of adding liquidity to existing liquidity pool on Uniswap. To add liquidity:

  1. Open the Publica’s add liquidity page on Uniswap here -

2. Connect with Metamask.

3. Double check if the selected pair is correct.

4. Choose the provider fee (0.3% by default) and set the price range.

Your provided liquidity will only earn fees when the market price of the pair is within your range.

5. You will see the current actual price for a selected pair displayed by default. Proceed if you like what you see.

Note! The displayed price is representing the current price for a selected pain in the liquidity pool. Price is dynamic and change based on the demand (when users swap ETH for PBL, the PBL’s price is going up; when users exchange their PBL tokens for ETH, the PBLs price decrease).

6. Input the amount of PBLs or ETH you want to provide to the liquidity pool.

When adding funds to a liquidity pool, you will need to provide funds to cover both tokens (for example ETH and PBL). Enter the amount you want to provide for one of two tokens from the pair and the equivalent sum will be automatically calculated for the second token.

7. Confirm the liquidity by clicking “Approve PBL”.

8. Accept the transaction using Metamask by clicking “Confirm”. Mind the gas fee!

9. Once the first transaction is confirmed, click “Supply” and accept the transaction using Metamask. Mind the gas fee!

The transaction may take some time.

What are the benefits for PBL tokenholders?

Uniswap allows users to swap tokens by connecting their Metamask wallet, making the process as seamless as possible. This makes Uniswap the fastest and most convenient way to get PBL tokens necessary for buying colectibles on Publica.

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange which allows third party individuals to setup their own liquidity pool and contribute to it. For consumers this means that you are able to exchange ETH for PBL of PBL for ETH (and potentially other pairs as well) directly from your own Metamask wallet.

The default fees per swap are 0.3% of the total swapping volume. Liquidity providers share the fees which are accumulated during every swap through Uniswap, based on the proportion they have contributed to the pool. For example, if a PBL tokenholder contributed 10% of the total liquidity pool, the provider will receive 10% of the total fees. These fees are automatically contributed to the liquidity pool, so that the total personal liquidity pool contribution keeps on increasing according to accumulated fees.

Disclaimer! Publica is not affiliated with Uniswap, the goal of this tutorial is to answer the community’s frequently asked questions.

In case you need any help with buying PBL tokens, feel free to reach out to Publica team at

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