How to buy PBL tokens using Swap.Online service
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2018

In this tutorial, we will show you an easy way how you can buy PBL tokens using Swap.Online service.

Swap.Online is a browser-based multicurrency wallet with a built-in peer-to-peer atomic swap exchange feature. You can connect and use your existing cryptocurrency wallet or make your first wallet on Swap.Online. The platform is completely decentralized and anonymous — the KYC/AML procedure is not required, meaning that no one can freeze your assets, put your orders on hold, or block transactions.

Step 1. Creating a new account

Unlike other platforms or cryptocurrency exchanges, the process of creating a new account on Swap.Online is as easy as it could be — when you open the website for the first time, new cryptocurrency wallets will be automatically pre-generated for you.

We strongly recommend you to back up your wallet before making any actions. Click the Download keys button on the bottom of the page to download private keys and save it to a safe and secure place so that you could always have access to this backup file. It is important to ask support for assistance in case you have any questions or doubts.

You can also import your already existing wallet and use it on the Swap.Online website. If you do not want to import previously created address — skip the second step and proceed to the Step 3.

Step 2. Importing your existing account (optional)

If you don’t want to have several wallet addresses, you can import already existing wallet address to use it for your token swaps. To import a wallet address:

  1. Scroll down and click the Import keys button.

2. Enter your wallet’s private key and click Import.

It is important to make sure your private key starts with “0x”. If you do not see 0x in the beginning of your private key — simply put it into the box and paste the rest of the private key!

3. Click Confirm.

That’s it! You have connected your wallet to the Swap.Online service and now can use it for swapping tokens.

Step 3. Make a deposit

If you do not have tokens on your wallet, you will need to make a deposit. In case you didn’t import an existing wallet (this action was described in Step 2), you will need to make a deposit to be able to trade.

  1. Choose a desired token or coin and click Deposit.

2. You will see an address to send a deposit to.

This will be a unique address that is assigned to your account and you can access this address using any other interface, for example, MyEtherWallet or import this wallet to Publica’s e-reader app.

3. Copy the wallet address you will see and send the desired amount Ethereum, Bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency that is supported by Swap.Online.

4. Once done, you will see the available number of tokens next to the corresponding coin/token name.

Step 4. Exchange tokens

For example, in order to buy PBL tokens with Bitcoins:

  1. Find the desired currency in the list and click on the currency’ icon or name. Click on “Bitcoin”.

2. Click Exchange.

Note, in order to perform a trade, you need at least 0.05 ETH on your balance

3. Select the desired pair — click Exchange next to “Exchange PBL/BTC”.

You can also open this shortcut link:

4. Choose the desired offer and click the Buy button.

Once you pressed the “buy” button — an atomic swap will be placed. All you have to do is wait till the transaction is executed successfully — you will see your updated balances in the “Wallet” section.

What are PBL tokens?

PBL tokens or Pebbles are Publica platform’s native currency. Users need PBL tokens for two purposes — to buy books from Publica’s book catalogue, as well as to participate in Book ICOs. is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

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