Introducing book collectibles (NFTs for books)
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2021

Publica is excited to introduce book collectibles — a new application of blockchain technology on the platform!

From the very beginning, the Publica project is committed to its goal — bringing the benefits of blockchain into the publishing industry. With the rising adoption of blockchain technology, we’ve recognized the emerging potential of collectible tokens and adding this new use case to the existing offering. With collectible book tokens, Publica is taking the concept of content ownership to a whole new level, providing additional business models for content creators and token owners.

Why book collectibles?

Crypto collectibles are shifting the paradigm of ownership for digital assets. With increasing interest from the community, the introduction of book collectible tokens is an organic spin-off within Publica’s feature-rich ecosystem. While authors may continue to use the platform for selling their books, the ability to create and trade book collectibles will provide additional incentives for all participants of the ecosystem — authors, buyers, PBL tokeholders.

How does it work?

Each author will be able to upload one book (or other literary content) and select an available number of copies from 1 to 10, converting it to a rare, unique, cryptographically protected token that will provide access to content via Publica’s app. Buyers will be able to purchase a collectible item from Publica’s catalog, access it with Publica’s e-reader app any time they want, re-sell a collectible item using Publica’s proprietary secondary market, or transfer ownership rights by simply sending the token to another person.

Buyers will be able to purchase book collectibles with PBL tokens or fiat.

What type of content can be sold as a collectible?

There are multiple use cases every content creator can consider. Authors can create limited, collectible issues of their previously published books or convert their unpublished works to collectible items. But there are much more use cases — authors can sell any kind of literary content as collectible items, like essays, book drafts, blogposts, drawings, photos, song lyrics, software source code, and many more.

Why Publica is a perfect fit for crypto collectibles?

The current Publica’s ecosystem is offering everything that is needed to provide an ultimate experience for creating book collectibles:

  • Publica’s platform allows anyone to register and upload their content to generate a unique token representing ownership and access rights for the corresponding content.
  • Publica’s catalog is serving as a marketplace where users can showcase their work and sell it to buyers.
  • Buyers can access and manage their tokens with e-reader apps for iOS and Android.
  • Finally, buyers can re-sell their collectible tokens on Publica’s secondary market.

What are Publica’s advantages?

Unlike some other services offering collectible tokens, with Publica, buyers can not only purchase a token as such, users can also instantly access the content of the corresponding collectible item with the e-reader app. Literally, open a one-of-a-kind piece of content on their device any time they want. Once a token is sold or sent to another person, the collectible item is no longer available to the previous owner, taking the ownership concept to a whole new level. is the platform for creating book collectibles.

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