Making history, books on the blockchain, by-the-numbers.

Josef Marc
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

Publica’s First Wave of Book ICOs is underway now, a historic milestone. A milestone for the project roadmap, and historic because these smart contracts will live on the blockchain network for as long as the internet runs. Time-stamped and working forever, so to speak.

First Wave of Book ICOs by-the-numbers.

“time lapse photo of water wave” by Maxwell Gifted on Unsplash

10 Book ICO smart contracts were written to the blockchain distributed ledger on August 22-24, marking the beginning of the First Wave. As of this writing, September 6, 21 Book ICOs are underway including the pre-blockchain previews.

About half the books are fiction, about half are non-fiction. 6 are Crypto-related titles. 4 are Textbook / Essay titles. 2 are Graphic / Photo titles. 5 are Science Fiction titles. 5 are Fantasy titles.

Collectively there are over 100 social media links (talk to the authors, join their conversations) plus Publica’s social media and the podcasters and YouTubers watching our project. That’s where the word will get out.

14 titles will be delivered in time for giving as this year’s holiday gifts.

All are meant to fund marketing/finishing costs. Soft Caps totaled up are about $40,000. Hard Caps totaled up are about $220,000.

Special mentions. 'Tell Your Story'

One book is bilingual, Chinese and English, and illustrated. Only 1,000 book tokens available, a collectible.

One book includes the audiobook.

This book is touching: $2 each, maximum 50 book tokens, written by an English teacher at a remote orphanage, and that $100 means a lot to her. PBL cryptocurrency immediately to her digital wallet in a remote place, you can imagine. Consider it a collectible, a nice holiday gift. Will I care if the plot is gripping or not? She’s already given me a story.

One author I met at Consensus New York, he’s a crypto consultant. Many people say sure, I’ll put my book on Publica; he did. He’s a First Waver.

This study / report was a lot of fun for me!

Here’s an intro list of the First Wave of Book ICOs on Medium:

Come on and join the party with us. Have fun with it, make some history. Tell me and the team what you think about the First Wavers at any of the links you find at or below.


I already had 25 book tokens in my Publica wallet-ereader-elibrary that I bought before this First Wave. Half of those, I bought duplicates of favorite books and gave them to friends, through the blockchain to their Publica wallet/reader apps. Holidays are coming...

One last by-the-numbers:

On August 8th 2017, opened with a white paper predicting the First Wave of Book ICOs in about 1.5 years. The First Wave actually arrived in 1.04 years, 33% ahead of the project’s plan, while three of the people most responsible for the platform’s implementation were away on their summer holidays: our Lead Developer, Marketing Lead and COO. Blockchain network smart contracts are autonomous so no problem, that’s kinda the point of smart contracts, they just work.

If you’re an author, publisher, or bookseller interested in learning more, write to info ‘at’ or go to and subscribe to our newsletter.

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Josef Marc

Blockchain evolution fan. Digital media nerd.