Publica is listed on KuCoin exchange
We are glad to announce that Publica (PBL) is now listed on KuCoin, a cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong. Trading starts on Thursday, December 7.
KuCoin traders will have access to PBL/BTC and PBL/ETH trading pairs upon listing.
Users can start depositing at 19.00 UTC+8 and trading PBL on KuCoin December 7, 2017 at 20:00 (UTC +8).
About Kucoin
KuCoin is cryptocurrency exchange launched in September 2017 . It is already making a big impression on traders and users thanks to its innovative listings, partnerships and user rewards program.
KuCoin was founded by a group of blockchain enthusiasts who had proved themselves in industry giants like Ant Financial and GF Securities.
Kucoin aims at providing users digital asset transaction and exchange services which are even more safe and convenient, integrating premium assets worldwide, and constructing state of the art transaction platform.