Publica Updates — February 8
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2019

The last two weeks have been quite busy for the Publica team. We've successfully launched the FIAT layer and thanks to sustained efforts — have listed on a new token exchange.

FIAT layer launched

The FIAT layer has been in the works for a while and with the developers' rigorous efforts we have reached a fruitful release.

An important milestone for blockchain and cryptocurrency in general, as there aren't many use cases of a non-payment service blockchain project to have this additional functionality — FIAT payments interacting with Smart Contracts.

We've used this opportunity to also outreach media and influencers to spread the good word.

We are keeping a close eye on our user feedback and taking it into consideration so don't forget to send us your feedback. The best place for that — email us at

Ethershift listing

To provide more ways to purchase PBL tokens and potentially lay the groundwork for future plans - Publica has been listed a new exchange This will provide a new way for people to obtain PBL tokens and to do so trading a large number of other tokens.

Here are all the PBL token pairs on Ethershift:

Quite a list, isn't it?

So now you'll have even more flexibility when it comes to trading PBL tokens!

We thank the community for the valuable feedback and support. See you in another two weeks! is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

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