Publica updates — March 1st
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2018

Happy world book day, Publicans!

Here is another week of updates coming your way!

Technical updates

We are proud to announce that the testing for our e-reader app is underway and we are already receiving tons of feedback and are excited to hear more!

About the features of the Publica’s e-reader app alpha version:

  • You will be able to buy eBooks with PBL and read them on a simple, easy-to-use interface.
  • You may import Your Ethereum address to purchase Books or create an entirely new wallet.
  • You will also be able to buy more than one copy of a book to sell it later, give away or just store it as a valuable.
  • You will be able to send a book to another person by transferring the book's token from your wallet to their wallet.
  • In our catalog You will find a list of classical books for you to test. In later versions and testings the number of available books will be understandably increased.

Here is a small demonstration of the app's alpha version:

Publicans are already trying crazy/cool things:

“Around the word in 80 days” going around the world!
Crazy, right?

All-in-all the team is happy about delivering something tangible to you and we are all looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with Publica's e-reader app!

Missed out on applying for the alpha test?

Due to the success of the test and valuable community feedback, we have decided to extend the alpha test of the app to more people!

Sign up here to receive an invitation and become one of the testers of Publica’s e-reader app (only for iOS device users)!

In order to test Publica’s e-reader app, you will need to provide your email address. After receiving your invitation you will be able to access the app in the TestFlight environment.

Media activity:

Recently Publica has been featured by one the top Japanese bloggers in the cryptosphere! And he likes it!

Also, in case you missed it, Publica released a new explainer video last week! If you haven't seen it, you should definitely check it out! We would say it is pretty cool! Also don't forget to show your support by sharing, liking & telling your friends about it!

Publica events

Don’t forget about these, especially if you are in the area:

IBPA Publishing University 2018 Conference, April 6–7, Austin, USA
London Book Fair, April 10–12, 14:30–15:30, Olympia room, London, UK

That's about it this for this week. Keep spreading the word, help Publica grow and stay tuned for more updates next week!


Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel:



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