Publica updates — November 2
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2018

Welcome back, Publicans!

Here are the latest updates on what's been happening with Publica recently.

Book ICOs explained

We here at Publica are very pleased to see all the authors giving a try to the Book ICO platform, running their own campaigns and approaching us with all kinds of ideas.

The concept of Book ICOs, of course, is completely new and while those familiar with the ICOs of the crypto world might know most of the ins and outs of how an ICO runs, the whole process or some singular aspects might seem a bit intimidating for the uninitiated.

Fret not! Publica is always about working with the community and lending a helping hand and so we have published an article to take you through of the process of running a Book ICO from A to Z.

We also want to remind you of the handy Book ICO FAQ that we put up, so if you haven't yet — check it out now.

Slight change of pace

Publica has always been about growth and adaptability and with that, we are trying to shift even more towards quality over quantity. As you might've noticed it has been two weeks instead of one for the weekly update and that is a conscious step as we are switching the update frequency to twice a month.

Instead, Publica uses and will continue to use these resources and time to further enhance outreaching efforts and continue to spread the word about the project.

We're always welcoming feedback, so please let us know what you think about this format and if it works better for you alongside any other suggestions on what you would like to see more in the weekly updates.

Book ICO highlights

Now we want to bring your attention back to yourselves, the Publicans. We have two Book ICOs that stand out and we want to remind you to show your support to the same community you are in!

If you frequent the Publica telegram group you've probably seen Eric over there. We think it's really cool that Eric, aside from giving good insights on token economics and suggestions for the project, also wants to spread his valuable knowledge further and is running a Book ICO for his guide in crypto investing.

For the French speaking audience — Eric has also recently put up a video about his upcoming book, so go ahead and watch it.

Go ahead and show Eric support!

Another Book ICO that has recently started and we want you to check out is Zineb Belmkaddem's book called “Bricklaying for girls: the basics & one woman's short journey”.

With a really interesting premise Zineb is counting on your support, show it to her!

Ask Publica

Even throughout this update you can spot that feedback is very important for us and with the rising amount of questions in different channels we want to encourage you to submit your questions in one place.

As previously mentioned we are going to answer them all and while the precise format will still be specified — you can expect detailed and in-depth answers to your concerns.

So, please, don't hesitate and ask us your questions about the project.

That concludes this weeks update, thank you for being with us and we'll be seeing you in the next one! is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

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