Start YOUR Book ICO Journey!
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018

Exciting news for all the authors that have been eagerly waiting to do their own Book ICO's — you can now START your journey.

This year is really picking up speed isn't it? In just a few months we have launched the e-reader app for both iOS and Android, then the web-store. Ran the first Book ICO in the world and then it proved to be a success when the author Matt Kepnes provided an exclusive copy of the book with early access.

And now YOU can start your path to run an ICO for your book!

Either to fund an upcoming book or funding illustrations, editing, etc. for an existing one — Book ICO's can have plenty of variation and it's all up to the author!

With so many possibilities it means that you should also consider carefully with you are doing, choosing and what consequences that might have, because once a smart contract is deployed — it's immutable! That how blockchain works!

It's a lot to take in — we know! But don't worry Publica will be here to help you every step of the way, just don't forget to ASK when something is not working!

All that said — the platform is still in its early stages and it's important that you understand that a lot of the things are still coming and subject to change. We already know that you support us and have been patiently waiting and so we ask you for your continued patience and especially FEEDBACK.

At this stage you can start building your Book ICO campaign from the ground up and see it in the preview mode. It's a process in which we advise you put in as much forethought as you can, so please do.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope you have fun with starting your Book ICO journeys and as always keep providing feedback from your experiences so that we can make this the platform authors and readers deserve.

The most important takeaway here is that Publica is here for you through this journey and you not only can, but SHOULD rely on us for help with ANYTHING.

Just ask by email, our author guide in the upper right corner of the Book ICO page(see screenshot) or in our Telegram group — really just ask us anywhere. And remember, no question is too small because once the smart contract is deployed there is no going back! is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

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Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.