Weekly update — April 6

Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2018

Hey, Publicans!

This week we have a lot of updates for you. Are you excited? Then let’s go!

Updated website

Publica’s got a new website! Being an ever-evolving company we are always aiming to improve and this time we give you a new and improved website centered around book ICOs!

How do you like it? Share your opinion with us!

Publicans, we need you!

Moving on, we come to the part where we want your input, the input of the Publicans!

As you may know already, last month Cryptonauts were visiting Publica’s headquarters to shoot a series of videos covering different aspects. Now we ask you to be a part of the story we are going to share with the world!

Make and send us a short video saying to the camera “I’m [INSERT NAME], I’m from [COUNTRY] and I’m a Publican!”

Your video snippet will be added to the video about Publicans! Upload here

Readers AMA with Josef Marc, Bland McCartha and Dante

This week Publica’s CEO Josef Marc, Bland McCartha and our community manager Dante hosted an Ask-Me-Anything session and covered questions submitted by readers.

Watch the Reader AMA here

Giveaway campaigns

We will be running two giveaway campaigns this week!

Follow the links to participate in the competition and have a chance to win free tickets to the London Book Fair (April 10–12) or Chainges blockchain conference in Amsterdam (May 4–5).

London meetup

We will be holding our first meetup in London on April 12 at 8 pm. The place will be specified shortly, please contact community managers for more information!

Upcoming events

This spring will be very busy for the CEO Josef Marc and the rest of the team, that’s why we created the events calendar to keep you up-to-date!

Check out our nearest events here and feel free to contact us if you want to meet!

Listing on Cryptology exchange

We are excited to announce that we will be listed on Cryptology exchange from April 10 as part of their first set of listings! You can have a read through their medium post here!

What books do you think will sell on Publica?

This week, aside from sharing some exciting news with you, we also want you to voice your thoughts!

We want to see what our community thinks would sell on Publica! What books do you read? Would Publica be the perfect place for them? Let us know!

Submit your books suggestions here: https://goo.gl/forms/ZQNddKigTaiF8cgl1

Publica is nominated for Quantum Innovation Award

Publica is nominated for the Quantum Innovation Award! Come and support Publica’s team at the London Book Fair on April 10, 10:00–11:00 AM in the Olympia Room, Grand Hall!

Find more information about the event here.

Media updates

Our CEO Josef Marc posted a new article “Books sell because of who is in them” on our Medium blog. Read the post here.

By the way, if you missed our latest updates, be sure to check out the second part of Josef’s “A Better Bookstore” post.

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

Website: https://publica.com

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/publicaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PublicaIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPublica/
Medium: https://medium.com/publicaio
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/publicaio




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