Weekly update — June 15

Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2018

The First BOOK ICO is still going strong! Most things revolve around it but we have some additional exciting news!

The complete overview video on the Publica project produced by Cryptonauts is finally live!

It has been quite a ride and we are very pleased with the results! We’re very grateful to Cryptonauts for the awesome series that they filmed, produced and put effort into.

We’re also happy that we can share these videos with our lovely community and help them get to know Publica better!

The FINAL video — Publica — Publishing Books On The Blockchain — will get you through everything you need know about publishing your book on Publica and how it all works!

Go see it now!

Thanks a bunch and don’t forget to share, like, comment and show the Cryptonauts some love!

Seoul International Book Fair

It’s been a while since Publica has visited a book fair and we’re happy to announce that you will be able to see our CEO Josef Marc make no one but TWO attendances at the Seoul International Book Fair.

  • Thursday, June 21, 14:00pm on stage with KPIPA
  • Thursday, June 21, 17:00 on stage in a Q&A session about Publica

Be sure to see Josef if you are in the area!

Mention highlights

Some more great overviews of Publica have popped up this week and we wanted to once again share them with you! As always we thank all our supporters and anyone who takes interest in the project and helps spread the word!

A thoroughly enjoyable overview of Publica from Crypto Coin News:

A very professional and precise coverage of the First BOOK ICO by Crypto Disrupt:

And a great video review of Publica by Thinking Crypto:

Thanks for sticking with us yet another week and thank you for all the support. The last week for the BOOK ICO is upon us and we encourage you to participate in this historic event! Have a great weekend!

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

Website: https://publica.com

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/publicaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PublicaIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPublica/
Medium: https://medium.com/publicaio
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/publicaio




Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.