Weekly update — June 22

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

Hey everyone! Ready for another week of updates? Yes? Good! Let's go then!

First BOOK ICO successfully completed!

Recently Publica launched its first BOOK ICO with the American best-selling author Matthew Kepnes and his upcoming book “Backpacker's Guide to Europe”.

The duration of the ICO was from June 6th to June 20th and the Hard Cap was 10,000 USD or 1000 BOOK tokens, that amounts to 10$ per book.

The ICO concluded just a few days ago and all of the BOOK tokens were purchased making the BOOK ICO a success.

We are very happy with the way this turned out and with what this means for the future of BOOK ICO's.

We also want to thank anyone who participated in the BOOK ICO and for that we held a giveaway campaign in which five lucky owners of the book TOKENS had a chance to win 500 PBL tokens!

Giveaway concluded

We were happy with everyone who participated in both the BOOK ICO and the giveaway, helping to spread the word!

So without further ado, the winners:

  • Daniel Cake-Baly
  • Chris Kittredge
  • Alexander Gudkin
  • Bland McCartha
  • Eric le Goff

Thank you for participating!

Publica attending SIBF

As you also might have noticed our CEO — Josef Marc, was and still is in Korea, attending the International Seoul Book Fair right now!

Josef had the honor of speaking with the members of KPIPA, Publishing Industry Promotion Agency of Korea, in a panel discussion.

You can check them out on their website: http://www.kpipa.or.kr/eng/main/main.do

Additionally Josef had his own Q&A session after the panel discussion.

It was a pleasure to visit Korea and to experience the publishing space over there, gaining insights for future expansions in to that particular market.


Recently our CEO — Josef Marc, Author Advisor — Sukhi Jutla, and author Wren St Claire had an AMA session answering many important questions about publishing, selling and distributing your book on Publica.

Be sure the check it out and for your convenience there are timestamps in the description!

London Blockchain Summit

Publica’s author advisor, Sukhi Jutla, will be speaking on a panel at the London Blockchain Summit on Wednesday 27th June at 14.25pm.

Blockchain Summit London is a 2 day conference and exhibition connecting over 2,500 industry leaders, business decision makers, tech innovators and investors.

The panel will discuss how ICOs are providing new options for funding and Sukhi will talk about how authors and creatives can benefit from doing their own Book ICOs with Publicas revolutionary new platform using blockchain. If you are in London, come and join this free event and met our author advisor

New partnership announcement.

Recently with announced our partnership with Sukhi Jutla, our Author Advisor and very soon we will announce another equally-if-not-more exciting partnership.

We will provide more information soon! Stay tuned!

You can also let us know your guesses in the comments down below.

Well this was a long one! Be sure to check out all the videos and as always — spread the word about Publica! Till next time!

Publica.com is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

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Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.