Weekly update — June 29

Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2018

A slightly calmer week, but don't be fooled by the calm before the storm! Follow along for another week of updates from Publica.

New Publica advisor — Joel Comm

Starting off — this week Publica announced it's new advisor — Joel Comm, a veteran of the digital space will be helping Publica acquire new big-name authors!

Publica believes that Joel, bringing his vast experience and knowledge, will add immense value to Publica’s ongoing and future efforts.

More about Joel:

Joel Comm is New York Times bestselling author of 15 books and more than 40 ebooks and reports. As a pioneer of the Internet, Joel has been building profitable websites since 1995. Among his accomplishments are selling a site to Yahoo!, creating a #1 best-selling iPhone application, hosting and producing the world’s first competitive Internet reality show and co-hosting The Bad Crypto Podcast, one of the world’s top cryptocurrency-related podcast. With over two decades of experience harnessing the power of the web, publishing, social media and mobile applications to expand reach and engage in active relationship marketing, Joel is a sought-after public speaker who leaves his audiences inspired, entertained, and armed with strategic tools to create highly effective new media campaigns.

Publica's microservice architecture.

For those who are into the technical, nitty-gritty stuff and love to see what happens behind the scenes, one of the senior developers behind Publica wrote an extensive, technical and detailed, two-piece article about microservice architecture.

The articles are long and technical — a real treat for those of you tech-enthusiasts!

Microservice Architecture: Behind the Scenes of Publica (Pt. 1)

Microservice Architecture: Behind the Scenes of Publica (Pt. 2)

Be sure to share it with your technical friends and enthusiasts as well!

Sukhi Jutla at the London Blockchain Summit 2018

Publica’s Author Advisor, Sukhi Jutla, returned to the Olympia Hall in London, where Publica, earlier this year, attended the London Book Fair, to speak on the panel named “How ICOs are Revolutionising Start-Up Funding” at the London Blockchain Summit on Wednesday, 27th June.

The conference was attended by over 4000 people with over 100 events over the 2 days.

The room where Sukhi spoke was filled to the brim roughly 200 people attended the panel!

Sukhi talked on the panel about how ICOs are revolutionising the start up funding scene. Sukhi talked about how authors are now operating as start-ups and can use ICOs as a source of start up funding support

The audience were amazed when Sukhi reminded them that the ebooks they buy from amazon and other stores don’t belong to them- you purchase only the license to read them- you don’t own them. Sukhi emphasised that Publica allows you to own your book and even better — gift copies away and buy multiple copies. Many had no idea authors could do book ICOs and said it would change the publishing landscape

Busy as a bee, Sukhi will also be attending the Data-driven Technologies event hosted by AnitaB.org and WomenInDataScience as the author of the first book on blockchain and a Rising Star winner this year — she will present a talk on distributed ledger technology for creatives. An evening of talks on new trends in data science methods and applications next Tuesday, the 3d of July.

Sign up and spread the word to your friends who would be interested to hear these exciting talks: https://lnkd.in/gY584T2

Well, that is about it for this week! Thanks for all the support and keep being awesome! More great things are on the horizon!

Publica.com is the first publishing platform to use blockchain technology to innovate how books are funded, distributed, bought, and read.

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