Weekly update — May 11

Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2018

Another week is behind us and as always we are grateful for the road both ahead and behind us!

So what is new with Publica?

The FIRST ever book ICO is almost here!

An American best-selling author will be the first one ever to run an ICO for a book. We don’t want to spoil the surprise just yet, so we will not tell you who it is, but rest assured — you won’t have to wait long for the announcement!

We are thrilled for this huge milestone coming so soon and it is a reminder of how well we are progressing.

It’s safe to say that something like this has not been done before and we are confident that it will be a success for everyone involved.

Keep your ears to the ground for it is coming soon!

Our new video is live and waiting for YOU! Watch Publica App Tour

Another video from the talented Cryptonauts is here and this time it's about Publica's e-reader app! The video will guide you through how to use the app and tell you about it's features and possibilities!

As always be sure to watch it, share it, leave a comment and tell your friends about it!

Publica COO Anton Sapriko's speech at Chainges!

Last week Publica was attending the Chainges conference in Amsterdam.

No matter whether you were there or weren't be sure to give Anton's speech a listen!

Publica is going to Consensus 2018

From May 14 to May 16 possibly the biggest event in the blockchain space — Consensus 2018, will be taking place as part of the New York Blockchain Week. Publica team will attend the event.

If you are in the area and want to meet the team— let us know!

Social mentions worth repeating!

Who knew? Not only humans are excited about Publica but so are DOGS! CryptoDogs.

A report worth reading by Ironwood!

And 30k talking about what matters in media coverage when it comes to blockchain tech.

Thats it for this week! Are you excited? Let us know in the comments!

Join our Telegram group or Discord server to chat directly with the team members and Publica community

Website: https://publica.com

And also don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Official Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/publicaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PublicaIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPublica/
Medium: https://medium.com/publicaio
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/publicaio




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