The First Newsletter from PubHub

Can I get away with a dull title the first time? Maybe, if the picture is cute.

Katharine Valentino
Publication Creators Hub


Image purchased from Shutterstock by the owner of PubHub

The one-month-old Publication Creators Hub is off and runn … no? No. It’s a slow start. Not hobbling or limping. Just slow.

Slow but sure.

Why slow? In one month, we’ve published only about a dozen articles. Why sure? Because the goal was never to publish a large number of articles; instead, PubHub aims to publish only those articles that can help publication owners and editors manage their publications.

Here is what we’ve published so far:

Why Do You Want to Run a Publication?

Scott Tarlo, owner and chief editor of Politically Speaking, a pub with more than 6,000 followers and seven to nine submitted articles daily, writes about why he does this work. If you have days when the work seems too much, you will need to remind yourself of your own why. Knowing your why will sustain you — and help sustain and grow your pub.

Creating a Medium Publication

In this article, which I wrote, there are links to almost everything Medium has provided about creating a publication. The article also provides solutions to problems you may encounter during the creation process.

Benefits of Creating a Library of Your Medium Articles

Celine Lai, the founder of Celine’s Creations / Curation and Meedium Matters / Thirty Over Fifty / Lockdown Peaceful Space: Live, Love, Learn, has created a pub for her own stories and shares the benefits of presenting stories in a pub instead of on a profile page.About Editing a Publication

How to sustain a reading

As an editor, you ask yourself, “Is the story compelling? Is the writing skillful?” If so, you publish, no question. But what if the writer is just getting started? Do you work with this person to improve a submission, and if so, how much time and effort do you devote to this? Anna Rozwadowska, the owner of “Storymaker,” writes about editing fiction and poetry, but the problem she discusses is one every pub editor faces from time to time.

Will Your Writers Post Directly to Your Publication, or Will You Edit Their Submissions First?

Scott Tarlo’s second article this month discusses the pros and cons of editing versus publishing as is. (This newsletter is being published as is. Oh dear, are there any typos? Did I write “on” when I meant “no”? I need to be edited.)

Checking for Plagiarism

The third article about publication editing covers a subject I’m sure you’ll be interested in: How not to get sued. (Since I wrote this article, I can brag about it: Our new CEO at Medium, Tony Stubblebine, read it and clapped.)

Using the Pull-Quote as Intended on Medium, One Editor’s Tip for the Uniform Handling of Image Attributions, and One Editor’s Boilerplate Language for Recurring Issues

The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸 describes himself as an “Existentialist Extraordinaire/Opinionated & grumpy septuagenarian contrarian living in perpetual euphoria/alxfyv.” Yeah, I had to look up that last word, too. Alex is an editor at Politically Speaking. He offers these three articles to make your job as an editor easier.

How To Award Your Writing Contest Winners, and Host a Contest on Medium and Let Your Readers Be the Judges

These two articles will interest you if you have writing contests or want to engage your readers in any way. The first article is by KiKi Walter, owner of “The Writing Pub” and “Suite 1984 Publishing,” which operates “The Memoirist,” “The Narrative Collective,” “QuickTalk,” “Songstories,” “The Mayhem,” and “The Press Box” — whew! Kiki runs regular contests and has been looking for a way to allow readers to help decide winners. Having found a way, she writes about it. The second article provides all the how-to information you need to do this yourself.

A Better Way to Add Writers to Your Publication

If you need to collect more information about a writer than “here I am and here’s my @name,” you will want to check this article to find the easy way to do this.

Would you like to write for PubHub?

We’re looking for writers! (Note this is in bold with an exclamation point.) If you need some help deciding what to write, you can check a list of suggestions HERE. But don’t feel limited by the list. Write about anything that can help a pub owner or editor with creating, managing, or editing a pub, attracting writers, or engaging readers.




Katharine Valentino
Publication Creators Hub

Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.