Welcome to Vantage Point

Rohan Arondekar
Vantage Point
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2020

I have been interested in space for as long as I can remember. I watched Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos when I was 14 and I was hooked. I couldn’t think of anything else back then. The series was a major catalyst in my choice to pursue a career in the sciences. I used to be so fascinated by the mysteries of the universe, I had even memorized Carl Sagan’s discourse of the Pale Blue Dot and could recite it any time of the day. But in the past couple of years, the fantasies have slowly turned into textbooks and rosy science philosophy into equations.

While there is fascination when you’re ignorant, you can only appreciate the true beauty of the universe, with knowledge

The recent launches of SpaceX Crew Dragon and NASA’s Perseverance rover made me revisit my obsession with the Cosmos. And now that I have so much time on my hands I decided to write about this obsession of mine.

We are at the dawn of a new age in space exploration. Opening up of space to private players, announcement of the Artemis program, Musk’s commitment of getting humans to the Red Planet, we’re advancing frontiers. And this time, it’s not motivated by Cold War nationalism or any other political reasons that fuelled the space race in the 60s and 70s. Even when the world is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, we launched missions to Mars, not one but three.

Space is huge, space is beautiful and we’re just getting our feet wet in this cosmic ocean. These are exciting times to be in, and I’m glad to start this publication along with Yash, a space enthusiast and dear friend. We’ll be covering all things space, from the history of space exploration to the advancements in technology driving the current exploration of space.

Thank you for making it till here, I genuinely appreciate it. Stay safe, wear a mask and have a great day!

