5 Steps to Forming Good Habits

Public Libraries Singapore
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2021

Habits are formidable things. They shape our lives, but turn invisible after becoming part of it. They’re difficult to cultivate, and even harder to rid. We think highly of the good ones, but oftentimes we allow the bad ones to outstay their welcome.

Why are undesirable habits so hard to break? If you’ve ever bitten your nails absentmindedly, or dropped a swear word or five in front of an audience of toddlers, you’d know that these things happen without you thinking about them. Habits are, in fact, automatic behaviours that your brain develops to free up “bandwidth” for other more important things. Making a conscious decision to break a habit won’t get you very far, because our brains simply can’t override years of evolution through sheer willpower.

Although it may seem impossible, or at least very difficult, to break a habit, you can replace it with a different one. Below are five steps to help you form good habits that stick:

1. Take Baby Steps

Just like you’d be crazy to tour the whole of Europe in a day, don’t frighten yourself into procrastination with tasks that seem to require herculean efforts to complete. Habits aren’t supposed to be mad sprints; they’re everyday strolls in the park. They stick around because they’re effortless to do, so break down larger tasks into smaller ones that won’t take a lot of time to finish. These small steps will ultimately lead to long-term success, like the substantial amount you’ll accumulate through compound interest.

Exactly like this guy. [Image source: GIPHY]

2. Create an Encouraging Environment

Don’t underestimate what convenience and an inviting space can do to get you started. Have your tools laid out, or an area set aside. For example, if you’ve decided to live life on a budget by recording your daily expenses, create a shortcut to the Excel file on your desktop so it’s easily accessible, or have the tracking app live on your phone. Make it easy to get the task over with. The opposite is also true—if you’re trying to kick a bad habit, discourage it by throwing obstacles in its path.

Erik Askin turned a rectangular cigarette pack into an inconvenient diamond called Design to Annoy to discourage smoking—the box is too bulky to fit comfortably in a pocket, and too awkward to grip. [Image source: Erik Askin]

3. Set Reminders

Whether they are to-do lists on your phone or physical notes, set aside time to complete these tasks. Reminders help you to plan ahead and prioritise what you need to do, making sure you follow through with the intended behaviour. Train yourself to love checking off items on a to-do list (it’s another good habit!). Make yourself accountable — even uncomfortable — when you don’t complete them.

4. Reward Yourself

You know what they say about positive reinforcement, so give yourself a pat on the back every now and then for sticking to the plan. No matter how small, rewards are a great way to encourage yourself so you feel excited to keep going. Instead of feeling apprehensive the next time you’re faced with these “chores”, you might even come to look forward to accomplishing them!

Make sure it’s not too counter-productive, though. [Image source: GIPHY—The Simpsons]

5. Turn it Into a Ritual

Like brushing your teeth every day, your habit is well on its way to becoming something you’ll do automatically. All that’s left is the rinse and repeat. Oh, you might slip up sometimes — sneak an extra helping here and there while on your diet, or have a couple of extra drinks — but that’s okay, it’s part of being human. You haven’t fallen off the cliff; you’ve only slipped on the rocks. Return to this list, and continue where you think you dropped the ball. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and more importantly, don’t give up.

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Text by
Woo Pei Qi
National Library Board



Public Libraries Singapore

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