7 Lessons That Dogs Teach Us

Public Libraries Singapore
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2021

It may not seem like it, but dogs have much to teach us when they aren’t sniffing each others’ butts, wallowing in mud, or eating things that they shouldn’t be eating… Ahem! Indeed, our canine companions live by some pretty good life philosophies — so let’s take a sniff at some of the best life lessons that we can learn from them.

1. Savour Every Moment

Dogs have an almost unbeatable zest for life. With the exception of food (which they sometimes swallow far too quickly!), they know when to stop and smell the roses. They’ll have just as much fun getting belly rubs as when their ears are flapping in the wind when you pop them in a car. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a dog worrying about something that may happen tomorrow. Who cares? There’s a butterfly over there!

Ahhh, to feel the wind in your ears. [Image source: iStock]

2. Make the Most of What One Has

Sure, your fur kid might protest with a howl that’ll pierce your eardrums and bring the neighbours knocking on your door, but when push comes to shove, dogs really aren’t fussy. If you’ve seen dogs that have unfortunately lost limbs, you’ll notice just how quickly it takes for them to adapt. Some of them still run just as fast!

Instead of making a big deal about what you don’t have, understand that resilience and an insatiable appetite for learning are the keys to success. Here’s Dr Siew Tuck Wah, President of SOSD (previously known as Save Our Street Dogs), sharing what it takes to weather the ups and downs of running a dog shelter dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming stray and abandoned dogs:

3. Don’t Judge

Dogs come in all shapes, sizes and colours, and you never see one refusing to play with another because they are different. Rather, the opposite seems true — differences are just attributes to be investigated! And once they’ve made sure the other dog isn’t going to hurt them, play begins. We humans really could do with greater acceptance and curiosity ourselves.

4. Be Empathetic

Dogs are more than capable of reading our moods. By paying close attention to our facial expressions and to our voices, they’re able to recognise different emotional states — an ability only primates had, or so we thought. Evidently, the first step to being a more empathetic person is learning how to pay attention — a tall order in this age of distraction!

Never enough cuddles! [Image source: iStock]

5. Be Loyal

Loyalty is a trait most associated with dogs. Take Hachiko for example, the dog who waited at Shibuya Station in Japan every day for his master for nine years, oblivious that the latter had passed away. But while wolves are also loyal to their packs, we’ve had a hand in cultivating this trait in dogs through centuries of selective breeding. Still, being loyal is something to aspire to — no one enjoys being on the receiving end of a betrayal.

Forever immortalised: Hachiko, a Japanese Akita, who was loyal to his owner to the very end. His statue stands vigil at Shibuya Station in Japan. [Image source: iStock]

6. Don’t Bite When Growling Works

Most dogs don’t bite right away when they’re feeling threatened. They warn you with a snarl first, and sometimes, that’s enough. So if someone’s making you upset, tell them clearly to back off, before lashing out and regretting your actions later. A lot of times, damage control just isn’t worth it.

7. Forgive and Forget

If dogs could talk, they’d probably tell you that nothing’s worth holding a grudge over. Even the stubborn ones can be bought over with consistent displays of love and a steady stream of treats. Life is simply too short, so make amends and move on.

Inspired by man’s best friend? These reads will make you fall in love with them even further:

From left to right:

The Art of Racing in the Rain — Garth Stein| Physical Copy, eBook

Merle’s Door — Ted Kerasote | eBook

A Dog’s Purpose — W. Bruce Cameron| Physical Copy, eBook, Audiobook

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Text by
Woo Pei Qi
National Library Board



Public Libraries Singapore

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