How to Master the Art of Networking

Public Libraries Singapore
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2024

Networking. The term may conjure up images of awkward small talk and contrived meetings. However, networking should not be neglected as it is an increasingly important skill as you look for opportunities and build your career. A survey conducted by Workforce Singapore showed that networking can be a powerful tool for landing your dream job. Nearly a third (32%) of respondents found their last position through networking or word-of-mouth connections, more than double the rate of those who secured a job through recruiters (12%).

To make networking more meaningful (and less awkward), try reframing your mindset. Think of networking as a way to build genuine connections and foster mutually beneficial relationships. This shift in perspective unlocks a powerful tool for career advancement and personal growth.

Here are five tips to help you reframe how you approach networking.

1. Connect instead of collect

There is a tendency to approach networking with a transactional mindset — collecting business cards which you might never see again or growing your connection numbers on your LinkedIn profile. But beyond these, networking are also opportunities for connections.

What are some common interests and topics between you and the other party? By centring the conversation on these, you can learn from their experiences or even uncover opportunities to collaborate.

You can also actively look for ways to introduce people in your network who might benefit from knowing each other. Perhaps a marketing manager you meet is in search of a graphic designer, and your colleague or friend might be a perfect fit. A thoughtful introduction strengthens existing relationships, establishes you as a valuable resource, and deepens your network’s reach.

2. Embrace Online Platforms

In today’s digital age, online platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable networking tools. You can join groups relevant to your industry, and participate in discussions by sharing insightful comments or articles.

Consider building a personal brand too. Highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments, and tailor your profile to resonate with your target audience. Don’t be afraid to showcase your expertise. You could publish original content relevant to your field through articles, infographics, or insightful videos. This grows your influence and attracts potential collaborators or employers.

3. Leverage Everyday Interactions

There’s a wealth of networking opportunities in your daily life. Stuck in an elevator with a fellow working professional? Try striking up a casual conversation. It need not be the classic elevator pitch and neither does the conversation need to lead to a specific outcome.

Whether it’s the barista who remembers your coffee order, the fellow passenger on your commute, these seemingly mundane interactions can blossom into meaningful connections. Ask open-ended questions and look for common ground, you never know who might have valuable insights or connections to share.

4. Focus on Micro-commitments

Networking can feel overwhelming. After all, it takes you out of your comfort zone. One workaround is to aim for “micro-commitments” — smaller interactions that build relationships over time. This could be a quick virtual coffee chat with a colleague in another department or even a message congratulating a connection on a recent promotion. While these gestures may seem insignificant, they go some way to strengthen bonds and keep your network vibrant.

5. Use Storytelling

Ever felt stuck thinking of what to say when you are networking? People connect with stories. Try incorporating compelling anecdotes about your experiences and passions into conversations. Instead of listing your skills and experience, you could talk about a project that you worked on. What were the challenges and how did you overcome them? What were the emotional highs and lows of the project?

Sharing a story about a project you’re working on or a challenge you overcame makes you relatable and can leave a lasting impression.

By embracing these strategies, you transform networking from a chore into a rewarding experience. You’ll build meaningful connections, establish yourself as a valuable resource, and unlock possibilities for your career.

Remember, networking is a two-way street. Focus on offering value and fostering genuine connections, and watch your network flourish.

More reads to help you in your personal development:

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Text by
Abriel Tay
National Library Board



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