The Real Conspiracy

Alex Costa
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2018

The threat no one is talking about…

I have notice a certain tendency over the last few years: people who believe stupid things is increasing, or at least they are voicing more their concerns over social media and between their acquaintances more energetically. El Pais in Spain just published this news about thousands of Spanish citizens who think the government is out to get them and is spraying the skies with chem-trails from airplanes for obscure but certainly evil purposes. This is but one example, the stupidity in social media is getting worse. Government conspiracies are by far the most popular ones, from the Illuminati to the flat Earth conspiracy, to the fake Moon landings, vaccines cause autism… this is just the tip of the iceberg, it can go way more crazy, and I’m not talking about Hillary pedophile sex ring.

There is not a single day I open Facebook when I do not see a conspiracy theory spread around thousands of times and believed like gospel. Who cares about the experts, right? Those people who actually use their brains to study years on, to reach conclusions and give us the world we have today! Doesn’t matter! Experts are not to be trusted, because if they cannot be right 100% of the time, can be bought, and also fail and make mistakes, they cannot be trusted. Facebook, on the other hand, and the people who mindlessly scroll down and share anything without properly double checking, are the absolute truth. They never lie, they are 100% correct, and social media is the source of true information. The official channels are out to get us, just like the experts, journalists who work and sweat at their jobs are up to no good. The guy sitting in his basement fabricating news, who never left the house in days, is the real guru of truth and impartiality. The email about the Nigerian prince who wants to give you his fortune is totally legit.

Only a crazy person trusts the experts, right? I go to my doctor and he tells me I have a chest infection and must take antibiotics. I will promptly say: “You say that because big pharma is paying you!”. “I am going to get my homeopathic formula because people who make them are totally poor, have no agenda, and always tell the truth”

Who cares that antibiotics were one of the greatest medical revolutions that saves thousands of lives everyday! No one remembers the millions of deaths caused by tuberculosis anymore!

Next time I am flying I will get into the flight cabin and tell the pilot I do not trust him to fly the airplane. After all he is an expert on flying, and that is not a good thing. He has a secret button that the government ordered him to push to release chemicals for population control. For some reason he and other hundreds of thousands of pilots are silent about it… and the airlines, of course, do not mind at all about the extra weight and the extra fuel they have to carry to lift those chemicals well hidden in the frame of the plane. So, I should be flying the airplane not him! I played the simulator on my computer and only crashed a couple of times in one week of practice. Most importantly, unlike everyone else in the world, I am honest and will not do anything to endanger society.

Who cares if most conspiracy theories are based on nothing but hot air? It doesn’t matter how many times they are debunked, they are still shared and believed religiously. Nothing can disprove them for the wackiest. True conspiracies are talked about, but soon forgot, what matters is Illuminati (replace with your favorite conspiracy group), little green men and scrolling Facebook searching for that post that someone found which will change the world with so much truth.

So what I bring you is the real conspiracy: Social media is making people more stupid and there should be an investigation about it. The government or the police should investigate if social media is built in a way to kill brain cells. Or maybe not, because as seen before, the government and the authorities are out to get us… so who is not the government, or an expert, and doesn’t use social media? Well they do:

